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Regular version of the site
Head of Department Yuriy Ichkitidze
Olga N. Volkova
Deputy Head Olga N. Volkova



194100 Saint Petersburg

Kantemirovskaya st., 3A

room 311

+7 (812) 644-59-11 (61520)

Default Prediction for Auto Repair Services Firms in Russia Using Non-financial Data

Afanasev V.

Финансы и бизнес. 2024. Vol. 20. No. 3. P. 71-88.

Book chapter
Assessing the Probability of Default During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Case of Airlines
In press

Markovskaya E., Смолина Е. С.

In bk.: Systemic Financial Risk. Springer Publishing Company, 2024. Ch. 9.

Working paper
One, Two, Three: How Many Green Patents Start Bringing Financial Benefits for Small, Medium and Large Firms?

Semenova A., Семенов К. К.

Working Papers. SSRN, 2022

Tag "Master’s Programme in Finance" – News

Professional standards - we notify!

Master's program "Finance" received a certificate of professional and public accreditation of the National Council on professional qualifications of the financial market

Our student has published a paper in an international peer-reviewed journal

The paper by our 2nd-year student, Victor Prosin, in co-authorship with his research advisor, Associate Professor Darko Vukovic, published a paper in Oeconomia Copernicana 

Our student won the Universiade on Management and International Business by Lomonosov Moscow State University

Liudmila Nikitina, the 1st year student of MiF programme, successfully represented our Unoversity at the Universiade on Management and International Business, held by Lomonosov Moscow State University. Liudmila won the competition in English and became one of the winners in Management

Master class by Professor Pawel Lula "Introduction to Data Mining"

On October, 14th, Professor Pawel Lula from Cracow University of Economics performed a master-class on data mining in R for students of our Master in Finance, and also the students of other master and bachelor programmes of HSE St. Petersburg and St. Petersburg State University of Economics

Our student is in Top 100 of ACCA competition "CFO Generation"

Ilya Sobolev is among ythe top 100 best students in this all-Russian competition
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