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Book chapter
Assessing the Probability of Default During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Case of Airlines

Markovskaya E., Смолина Е. С.

In bk.: Systemic Financial Risk. Springer Publishing Company, 2024. Ch. 9.

Working paper
One, Two, Three: How Many Green Patents Start Bringing Financial Benefits for Small, Medium and Large Firms?

Semenova A., Семенов К. К.

Working Papers. SSRN, 2022

Tag "St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management" – News

Vladimir Matveenko Scolarship

Vladimir Matveenko Scolarship
Vladimir Matveenko scholarship in economics for masters and postgraduate students of the St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management of the National Research University Higher School of Economics.

4th module classes to begin online!

4th module classes to begin online!
Address by Dean Elena Rogova and Deputy Dean Elizaveta Shushunova regarding the start of classes of the 4th module in the remote format.

AMEC — 2019: Economic Frontiers and Networking

AMEC — 2019: Economic Frontiers and Networking
Two days, more than 150 participants from 20 countries, and almost 20 different panels — HSE News Service takes a look back at the Analytics for Management and Economics Conference held at HSE University — St. Petersburg.

Angel Barajas: Expert Opinion on the AMEC Conference

Angel Barajas: Expert Opinion on the AMEC Conference
From September 27 to 28, the St. Petersburg HSE will host the Analytics for Management and Economics Conference (AMEC). Angel Barajas, chairman of the program committee and head of the Department of Finance at the St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management, spoke in more detail about what is expected from the conference.

To grow above the dream

Second year student of Master in Finance programme Vassiliy Chirkov, among the other members of DG_Tram team, won the first prize in "Above the Dream" winter school - the final step of "Troika Dialog" grantees programme
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