Trends in International Education
On May 22, international and Russian experts will gather at HSE – St Petersburg to discuss new approaches to the development of universities’ partnerships. The growing role of educational associations, consortia and networks in the development of international education will be the key topic of the discussion.
The first day of the conference will follow the International Partners’ Week ‘Nurturing Global Citizens for a Global World’ that will be hosted by the University on May 20-22.
HSE St Petersburg International Partners’ Week is an annual platform for exchanging experience, which provides opportunities to acquaint foreign partners with the life at HSE and outline prospective paths of cooperation.
Representatives of partner universities and educational agencies from fifteen countries along with participants of the international conference ‘Education and World Cities’ will meet at the plenary session to discuss recent approaches and trends in international university cooperation.
The growing role of educational associations, consortia and networks in the development of international education will be the key topic of the discussion.
Participants will be able to get to know the best practices of combining efforts and resources toward solving problems and developing the world’s market of educational services.
Kevin Downing, Director of the Institute for Institutional Research at City University of Hong Kong, Kees Kouwenaar, Senior Advisor for International Strategy at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and General Secretary of the AURORA Universities Network, Christopher Gerry, Dean of St. Antony's College at Oxford University and an Associate Researcher at the International Centre for Health Economics, Management, and Policy and other speakers will share their experience at the plenary session ‘International Education: New Approaches to the Universities Partnerships’.
Fresh trends in international student mobility, a transition from the traditional concept of ‘student exchange’ to the concept of ‘global citizen’ will be other subjects of discussion. This track will also cover the role of international ambassadors among graduates and students in shaping universities' reputations and increasing brand awareness.
The first day will conclude with a student fair. HSE students will have the chance to get first-hand information about the partner universities and their mobility programmes, and learn about how to apply for and exchange programme in the spring of 2020.