HSE Climbs to Top-40 in QS Young Universities Ranking
The Higher School of Economics has climbed to 38th place in the QS Young Universities ranking rising 10 places compared to the last year.
'For HSE, the upward movement in the ranking of the young universities is a very important evidence of the successful development of our university. Such ranking’s metrics as international reputation, citation, which indicates recognition of scientific work at a global level, as well as internationalization are objective priorities of the Higher School of Economics. We share these priorities with the best world universities: indeed, there are our partners in the QS Young Universities ranking, including those from the top 100 world universities rankings', says Ivan Prostakov, HSE Vice Rector.
The ranking evaluates the best world universities under 50 years, and it is based on the same indicators as the QS World University Rankings: academic reputation, faculty to student ratio, research citations per faculty member, employer reputation, proportion of international students, and proportion of international faculty members.
Ben Sowter, QS Research Director, commended: 'The excellence of these institutions belies the belief that rankings will only recognize older Anglosphere universities with centuries of reputation behind them, and provides a reminder to those veterans that ambitious upstarts are seeking – with increasing success – to disrupt established hierarchies'.
Earlier, HSE has significantly improved its position in the Times Higher Education (THE) by climbing to 84th place.