
‘There Are Many Avenues for International Students to Connect with People’

‘There Are Many Avenues for International Students to Connect with People’
Students who come to a new country often do not know where to start, what to do first, who to turn to, and so on. In such situations, HSE University-St Petersburg and the Erasmus Student Network (ESN) help international students adapt by providing buddies. ESN is the biggest student organisation in Europe that helps students integrate into the local society better. Buddies are local student volunteers who help international students and make their life at the university easier.

HSE University-St Petersburg International Activity Results for 2022

HSE University-St Petersburg International Activity Results for 2022
Internationalisation is one of the primary goals and values of HSE University-St Petersburg. Our university strives to be part of the international academic community, follow world educational standards, and provide students with ample opportunities. Students of HSE University-St Petersburg have well-developed cross-cultural communication skills thanks to international educational programmes, participation in international academic mobility and double-degree programmes, and daily interaction with students from all over the world.
The International Office reports on the results of international activity in 2022.

Work and Study: What Will Change in Employment Legislation for International Students

Work and Study: What Will Change in Employment Legislation for International Students
State Duma passed a bill that simplifies the procedure for employment of international students in Russia. The bill will take effect in August 2020.

Over 300 Students Get Involved in Cultures Day 2018

Cultures Day is held annually at HSE University in St. Petersburg. This year, it was celebrated on May 24, 2018. International and domestic students came together to share their traditions, customs and heritage.
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