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Health Policy in Transition

Academic Year
Instruction in English
ECTS credits
Course type:
Elective course
3 year, 4 module


Егоров Роман Вадимович

Course Syllabus


This blended-learning course aims to familiarize students with modern healthcare systems, approaches to their management, as well as global new challenges. After completing this course, students will be aware of various healthcare systems, approaches to healthcare management, the concept of good governance and its specific aspects, such as public-private partnerships and public participation.
Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

  • The goal is being able to analyze public health policy and evaluate changing social context.
Expected Learning Outcomes

Expected Learning Outcomes

  • Student is capable of retrieving, collecting, processing and analyzing information relevant for achieving goals in the professional field
  • Able to think critically and interpret the experience (personal and of other persons), relate to professional and social activities
  • Student is capable of executing applied analysis of the political phenomena and political processes - by using political science methods - and in support of practical decision making process
Course Contents

Course Contents

  • Healthcare Systems in the Contemporary World. Definitions: Governance vs Management vs Leadership in Health
  • Health as a Political vs Apolitical Concept
  • Public Participation vs Top-Down Steering
  • Focus on Whole-of-Society vs Focus on Health Services Provision
  • De Jure and de Facto Dimensions of Healthcare Governance
  • Change, Reforms and Stability in Health and Healthcare Governance
Assessment Elements

Assessment Elements

  • non-blocking Summarizing essay
    Within the course student have to write 2 short essays (200-250 words), that covers the 1st and 3rd week’s topics. These essays should cover the issues from list below: 1st week: 1. What is health governance? How could it be approached? 2. What is the difference between management and governance? 3rd week: 1. Who is responsible for health in the state? 2. Should be a health system connected with the political system? The essays might be sent to the instructor's e-mail.
  • non-blocking Weekly tests
    Weekly tests consist of 10 closed question devoted to the week topic of the course. These tests will be procedeed at the begining of seminars.
  • non-blocking Group presentation: Development of a healthcare governance system
    For the discussion group students prepare a group presentation devoted to t the healthcare system and its development in any state. Specific systems are assigned to the groups by the instructor. In a group, there should be no more than 5 people. Students should cover: the stages of development of health system in the last 25 years; main leaders and reformers there; were there any changes due to history; essential values of the healthcare system; the role of NGO and business in the healthcare system. The presentation should be done in PowerPoint (or something like that)
  • non-blocking Final test
    The final test is administered at the last seminar of the course. The test consists of 20 closed questions. Each correct answer for a question yields 1 point
  • non-blocking Seminar activity
    For every seminar student should read the required reading and be able to discuss it in class and answer instructor’s questions on the content of the reading as well as on the contribution of this text to the discussion on the most important topic of the course.
Interim Assessment

Interim Assessment

  • 2021/2022 4th module
    0.15 * Summarizing essay + 0.2 * Final test + 0.25 * Seminar activity + 0.25 * Group presentation: Development of a healthcare governance system + 0.15 * Weekly tests


Recommended Core Bibliography

  • Bambra, C., Fox, D., & Scott-Samuel, A. (2005). Towards a politics of health. Health Promotion International ; Volume 20, Issue 2, Page 187-193 ; ISSN 1460-2245 0957-4824. https://doi.org/10.1093/heapro/dah608
  • Roberts, M. J., & Reich, M. R. (2002). Ethical analysis in public health. Lancet, 359(9311), 1055. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(02)08097-2

Recommended Additional Bibliography

  • Carla Cardoso. (2012). Brazil: towards sustainability and equity in health. Revista Da Sociedade Brasileira de Fonoaudiologia, 17(2), 236. https://doi.org/10.1590/S1516-80342012000200023
  • Tagaeva, T. O., & Kazantseva, L. K. (2017). Public Health and Health Care in Russia. Problems of Economic Transition, 59(11/12), 973–990. https://doi.org/10.1080/10611991.2017.1431488
