Tag "ideas & experience"

Are You An Overthinker?

Are You An Overthinker?
Anastasia Eremko will help to understand if you are overthinking.

When Procrastination Is Beneficial

When Procrastination Is Beneficial
Five cases when a little bit of procrastination may actually benefit you.

Research Methods: How To Develop A Research Paper

Research Methods: How To Develop A Research Paper
8 points on what you must think about in preparation for your research in university by Rostislav Miretskiy.

Amazing Weekend In Istanbul

Amazing Weekend In Istanbul
Anna Makhotkina and her impressions of the places in Istanbul.

Brain-Boosting Foods

Brain-Boosting Foods
How to make smart food choices and why it’s important to provide your brain with enough nutritional support.

Why Procrastination Is Dangerous?

Why Procrastination Is Dangerous?
Procrastination is far from harmless. And here are 4 reasons why.

5 Lifehacks for a Better University Experience

5 Lifehacks for a Better University Experience
Best tried and true methods to help you spend less time studying and more time enjoying those sweet days off.

Time Management: Improving Your Efficiency At The University

Time Management: Improving Your Efficiency At The University
Time management is the art of time control and therefore an essential skill for students and those who would like to improve their efficiency.

Keeping Fit While Studying - HSE Has A Solution

How can you keep yourself in shape if keeping up with the deadlines is not enough? Ask Zhanna Dyakonova.

The Freshman Fifteen: Is It Real?

The Freshman Fifteen: Is It Real?
"Am I going to gain weight at university? How can I handle this?" - find answers to these questions here.