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Mini-conference "Management Research and Practice in the 21 Century", February 4-5, 2016


The Department of Management at National Research University Higher School of Economics, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, invites undergraduate and graduate students to participate in the mini-conference “Management Research and Practice in the 21 Century” that will take place during the Saint Petersburg International Student Research Forum, February 4-5, 2016.


The purpose of the mini-conference is to foster student research and support the existing culture of research in the department and the university. The conference provides a meaningful vehicle for the preparation and presentation of scholarly works by students, networking, and exchange of ideas. The mini-conference welcomes submissions on a wide range of topics around management.

The conference accepts both single-author and multiple-author submissions. Each participant can submit more than one abstract.


How to submit:

1.      Cover page

Name this file attachment with your last name and the word "Cover" (e.g., Ivanov.Cover.doc). Cover page should include all author(s) complete names, contact information and institutional affiliation (program and university names).

2.      Abstract

Name this file attachment with your last name and the word "Abstract" (e.g., Ivanov.Abstract.doc). The Abstract should

·          Be in English

·          Typed in Times New Roman 12-point font

·          Provide a title

·          Include a list of references at the end

·          Be single-spaced

·          Not exceed 2 pages 

Submissions should be emailed to Maria S. Plakhotnik, EdD, (mplakhotnik@hse.ru) by January 18, 2016. The subject line should include the word “mini-conference” and the author’s last name (e.g., Mini-conference.Ivanov).


Review, selection, and publication processes:

Each submission will go through a blind-review process by the mini-conference Steering Committee. Authors of the selected abstracts will be invited to present at the mini-conference. These abstracts will be edited and included in the mini-conference proceedings that will be published in the electronic format.


At the mini-conference:

Each presenter will have 20 minutes:15 minutes to present their work and 5 to answer questions from the audience.

The mini-conference program will be available by February 1, 2016.