From impossible to possible
On October 15, at the Center for Youth Studies of the National Research University Higher School of Economics there will be a seminar "SocUP" by Marko Vuoriheimo, a deaf rapper, a special representative on disability issues and an entrepreneur

Multiple Cultural Encounters of Urban Youth in Russia’s Muslim Regions
The Journal of Intercultural Studies published an article by M. Maslovsky, A. Mayboroda and A. Garifzjanova "Multiple Cultural Encounters of Urban Youth in Russia’s Muslim Regions"

Youth subcultures: what are they now?
From 30 November to 1 December 2017, the international conference "Urban youth cultures: solidarity, creativity, activism" will take place as part of the project "Creative Fields of Interethnic Cooperation and Youth Cultural Scenes of Russian Cities" (Russian Science Foundation, 2015-2017), implemented by the Center for Youth Studies (CYS) at the Higher School of Economics in St. Petersburg. The research of the CYS always produces interesting results, so we turned to the director of the Center Professor Elena Omelchenko to find out more about the upcoming event.
Kazan - the first acquaintance
CYS employees Julia Andreeva and Dmitry Omelchenko returned from Kazan, another city where the study on the RSF project will be conducted
Work trip to Makhachkala
Elena Omelchenko, Guzel Sabirova and Dmitry Omelchenko went to the capital of Dagestan to carry out expert interviews and preliminary design the field phase of RSF project
Second seminar on the RSF project has been conducted.
The second was followed by third and fourth ones
First seminar on the project at 27th of June
For fruitful work a guideline seminar has been conducted outside the city. Aims, tasks and schedule has been clarified for the coming year of project implementation.