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Aestheticization of politics: The puzzling structure of the visual culture of contemporary environmental movement

Коцур Г. В.

Tomsk State University Journal of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science. 2024. No. 82. P. 222-232.

Book chapter
’Not what we want’: Why do (not) citizens use e-government services? Evidence from St. Petersburg, Russia

Arkatov D., Filatova O.

In bk.: ICEGOV '24: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance. NY: ACM, 2024. P. 201-208.

Working paper
Consensus or Constitution? - A Conceptual Perspective on the Legitimacy of Constitutional Courts in Consociations

Gál A.

OxonCourts Judicial Studies Graduate Colloquium. OxonCourts Judicial Studies Graduate Colloquium. University of Oxford, 2019

The Chairperson


Born May 15, 1951 in Moscow. For the first 15 years of his life lived in Petrozavodsk, since 1966 he has been living in Leningrad/St. Petersburg.


Education and degrees:

Doctor of Political Science with a degree in Political Institutions and Processes (2007); lawyer with a degree in jurisprudence, second higher education (1994); Doctor of Biological Sciences in the specialties "Biophysics" and "Radiobiology" (1989); physicist, specialization "molecular biophysics" (1974).

Work (2022):

Professor of the Department of Applied Political Science, St. Petersburg branch of the National Research University Higher School of Economics, President of the Interregional Humanitarian and Political Science Center "Strategy", Editor-in-Chief of the journal "Public Policy".

Social-scientific and social activities:

RC26 Human Rights Board Member of the International Political Science Association, Chairman (2018-2021), Vice President (2013-2019) and Board Member of the Russian Political Science Association; Member of the Board (since 2006, Vice-President (2013-2015) of the European Ombudsman Institute, member of the Expert Councils on Controlling the Achievement of National Development Goals under the State Duma Committee on Control and Non-State Education and Public-Private Partnership in the Fields of Education and Science, Committee on Education and Science of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, Member of the Board of the Expert Group "European Dialogue", Member of the Advisory Council under the Commissioner for Human Rights in St. Petersburg, Member of the Rotary Club "Saint Petersburg", Previously a member of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation to promote the development of institutions civil society and human rights (2004-2009) and chairman of the expert council on civic education at the Committee on Education and Science of the State Duma of the Russian Federation (2003-2008).

Scientific works:

Author of more than 400 scientific publications in the field of political sciences, incl. eight books: "Expert communities and power" (2020), Public chambers in the subjects of the Russian Federation: between mediation and imitation (Editor-in-chief, 2020), "Life in the USSR: 1951-1991: memories" (2018), " Time and Politics: An Introduction to Chronopolitics” (2016), “Thought Factories and Expert Communities” (2016, jointly with A.A. Balayan), “How Political Innovations Arise: Thought Factories and Other Institutions-Mediators” (2015), “The Ombudsman Institute: Evolution of Traditions and Modern Practice (An Experience of Comparative Analysis)” (2005), “Functions of the Political System: from Stagnation to Post-Perestroika” (1998), “Etudes of the Political Life of Leningrad-Petersburg” (1996). Co-editor of the collective monograph "Human Rights in the Face of the Challenges of the 21st Century" (2012), as well as the author of more than 100 scientific papers in the field of biophysics and radiobiology.

Area of scientific interests:

Democratic transition, human rights, state and public institutions for the protection of human rights, development of public policy, social innovations and their mechanisms, think tanks, public advisory councils, expert communities.