HSE at the Top of RAEX Ranking
The Higher School of Economics has been ranked second following Lomonosov Moscow State University in ‘Economics and Management’ category. In ‘Humanities and Social Sciences’ HSE came fourth, while in ‘Mathematics and Natural Sciences’ the university is in the 8th place, having moved up from the 9th place last year.
The greatest growth has been achieved in ‘Technical, Natural Sciences and Exact Sciences’ category where HSE has risen by 5 places and is now the fifth.
Thus, HSE has improved its positions in two categories and continues to maintain its standing in the other two.
The methodology of the ranking is based on surveys of 4 categories of respondents: students and graduates; representatives of the academic community; representatives of the scientific community; employers.
The results of these surveys were used to build the main ‘Expert RA – the best universities in Russia’ ranking published in June 2018, where HSE occupies the 5th position.
Expert RA (RAEX) is one the largest ranking agencies in Russia.