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WEBiquette for students: rules of conduct during a webinar

In a digital world that all of us are actively exploring now through distant learning, we are required not only to master new study tools, but also to learn new principles and models of behavior. Following common guidelines becomes exceptionally important for communication during webinars in order to retain the high quality of the traditional face-to-face format.

Dear students, here are some basic rules of WEBiquette during a webinar:

    1. Connect to a webinar using only a reliable link, use RUZ.HSE.RU
    2. Do not share your student e-mail password with anyone.
    3. Use your actual name and surname in a webinar; your instructors need to know who they are talking to. Do not forget to attach a photo, if possible.
    4. Connect to a webinar 5-10 minutes before the class starts as you need to check whether you microphone, camera and speakers are working.
    5. Do not be late for a webinar! Please remember that every class is a part of your curriculum, do not lose the opportunity to learn more! The instructor may switch on the “waiting room” option, so that you will not be able to join a webinar untill the instructor grants you access. In that case your tardiness will cause an interruption of a lecture or a seminar. 
    6. In case you are late for a webinar anyway, make sure that your microphone is switched off before you join, so that you will not disturb anyone with random noise.
    7. Do not switch on your microphone unless you need to ask a question or unless the instructor has suggested a discussion.  Do not interrupt other students. Only one person should be speaking at a time. As one person is speaking, the others are listening with the microphones switched off.
    8. Another important rule is “the only person who answers the question is the person who was asked”. If you would like to add something, ask for permission to speak using various tools like chat (available at all platforms) or the icon “raise hand” (not available in MS Teams).   Please keep in mind that background noises may confuse both your instructor and your fellow students.
    9. Do not hesitate to actively participate and ask questions should you have any. Chat and the “raise hand” icon will help you with that! Your instructor will be happy to know that the students are paying attention :)
    10. Nevertheless, please remember that chat communication should be related to the webinar topic, do not flood the chat with irrelevant things.
    11. Do not share your webinar password with anyone. Haters and trolls are very unwelcome at our classes.
    12. If you feel that you can assist your instructor in using the new digital tools, please offer your help politely.

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