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Tag "students"

Illustration for news: ‘HSE University Became a Refuge for Me’

‘HSE University Became a Refuge for Me’

Choosing a profession is hard, and not everyone can do it straight away. Such was the case with Taş Elif Esra, an exchange student who came to HSE University from Turkey. Esra started her education in translation studies before finding her passion in sociology. Find out why she decided to change her major and what motivated her to take part in the mobility programme in this interview.

Illustration for news: ‘I Have Always Dreamt about Visiting This Country’

‘I Have Always Dreamt about Visiting This Country’

It is no secret that academic mobility programmes are extremely popular among students of HSE University-St Petersburg. For instance, Marina Kuligina, a student of the Bachelor's programme 'Political Science and World Politics', is taking part in the mobility programme at Seoul National University (South Korea) this year. In her interview with the HSE News Service, Maria talks about her experiences and offers some inspiration to others looking for an unforgettable trip.

Illustration for news: ‘I Really Wanted to Enrol at HSE University’

‘I Really Wanted to Enrol at HSE University’

Since her school years in Kazakhstan, Darya Bashlayeva has dreamed about HSE University. Now, several years later, her dream has come true—she came to HSE University in St Petersburg under the exchange programme. She is currently studying the Chinese language, Asian literature and Political Science. Read on to learn more about Darya's story.

Illustration for news: Maksim Todinov on Exchange Studies at the University of Trento, Business Courses and Travelling

Maksim Todinov on Exchange Studies at the University of Trento, Business Courses and Travelling

Maksim Todinov, second-year student of the Master’s programme ‘International Business’, went to the University of Trento, Italy, under the academic mobility programme. There, he took courses in management and finance, travelled in his free time, and immersed himself in the activities of local leather manufacturers. In his interview, Maksim explains how studies at the Italian university are structured, and shares five pieces of advice for those who plan to go on an exchange.

Illustration for news: ‘I Had a Certain Goal—to Travel as Much as I Can’

‘I Had a Certain Goal—to Travel as Much as I Can’

Aleksandra Buksha, a fourth-year student of the Bachelor's programme 'Philology', talks about studying under the mobility programme at the University of Trento in Italy.

Illustration for news: ‘Everyone is Energetic and Dedicated!’—A Vietnamese Exchange Student's View of HSE University-St Petersburg

‘Everyone is Energetic and Dedicated!’—A Vietnamese Exchange Student's View of HSE University-St Petersburg

There are a lot of opportunities for international students to come to St Petersburg for a semester under the mobility programme. Anh Ngo Quang is an exchange student from Foreign Trade University in Vietnam who is currently studying International Economics at HSE University-St Petersburg. In his interview, he talks about his impressions of the St Petersburg campus, HSE students and teachers, how Russian and Vietnamese education differ, and his plans for improving relations between Russia and Vietnam.

Illustration for news: ‘Wherever You Go, You Are Always Surrounded by the Alps’

‘Wherever You Go, You Are Always Surrounded by the Alps’

Gyulbike Talibova, 3rd-year student of the Bachelor's programme 'History', shared her first impressions of studying at the University of Trento on an Erasmus+ scholarship. In her interview, she also talks about Italian students, the language barrier, travelling to northern Italy, and much more.

Illustration for news: 'In Trento, You Can Meet People from Totally Different Backgrounds'

'In Trento, You Can Meet People from Totally Different Backgrounds'

Victoria Sharonova is a second-year student of the Master's programme 'Modern Social Analysis'. She is combining work and studies and recently moved to Italy under the double-degree programme between HSE University-St Petersburg and the University of Trento. In her interview, Victoria speaks about the admissions process, difficulties with accommodation and food, and the peculiarities of studying in Italy.

Illustration for news: ‘I Have Always Loved Italy’

‘I Have Always Loved Italy’

Vladislava Galkina is a third-year student of the Bachelor's programme 'Philology' at HSE University-St Petersburg who went to Italy under the academic mobility programme in the third and fourth semesters. In her interview, Vlada talks about participating in the mobility programme, finding accommodation in Italy, and attitudes to Russians abroad.

Illustration for news: ‘Since School, Studying in Europe Has Been My Dream’

‘Since School, Studying in Europe Has Been My Dream’

Daria Evlakova, fourth-year student of the Bachelor's programme 'Philology', spent almost five months studying at the University of Turku as part of an exchange programme. In her interview, Daria talks about how to believe in oneself, getting help from the HSE University study office, and organising a curriculum while on an exchange.