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Academic year: 2024/2025 2023/2024 2022/2023 2021/2022 2020/2021 
Akaeva, Kavsarat
Faculty of Computer Science; Digital Skills Development Unit: Manager
Андреева Елена Михайловна
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; School of Law; Department of Financial Law: Professor
Best Teacher – 2023
Financial Law (4 year, 1, 2 module)
Anisovetc, Tatiana A.
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management; Department of Economics: Senior Lecturer
Best Teacher – 2014
Economics (1 year, 1, 2 module)
Antonov, Mikhail
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; School of Law; Department of Theory and History of Law and State: Professor

Best Teacher – 2015, 2014

Comparative Law (1 year, 4 module)
Theory of the State (1 year, 1 module)
Theory of Law (1 year, 3 module)
Legal Methodology (1 year, 2 module)
Astrakhantseva, Evgeniya
Social Security Law (4 year, 1, 2 module)
Baibak, Vsevolod
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; School of Law; Department of Civil Law: Associate Professor

Best Teacher – 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015

Balatsyuk, Elizaveta
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; Saint-Petersburg School of Social Sciences; Department of Sociology: Doctoral Student; HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; Saint-Petersburg School of Social Sciences; Centre for Youth Studies: Junior Research Fellow
Sociology for Lawyers (1 year, 1, 2 module)
Blokhin, Pavel D.
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; School of Law; Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law: Department Head, Associate Professor
Best Teacher – 2014
Constitutional Law (2 year, 1, 2 module)
Russian Constitutional Law (1 year, 3, 4 module)
Боголюбов Егор Андреевич
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; School of Law; Department of Theory and History of Law and State: Senior Lecturer
Boldinow, Jarosław
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; School of Law; Department of Financial Law: Senior Lecturer
Administrative Law (2 year, 3, 4 module)
Introduction to Antitrust Law (4 year, 2, 3 module)
Project Seminar (2 year, 1 module)
Briukhina, Evgenia
HSE Campus in Perm; Faculty of Computer Science, Economics, and Social Sciences; Department of Civil and Entrepreneurial Law: Associate Professor
Private International Law (4 year, 3, 4 module)
Бяков Никита Сергеевич
Civil Law (General Part) (2 year, 1-4 module)
Варшавский Владислав Леонидович
Customs Regulation (4 year, 1, 2 module)
Васильева Наталия Сергеевна
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; School of Law; Department of Theory and History of Law and State: Associate Professor
Comparative Law (1 year, 4 module)
Theory of the State (1 year, 1 module)
Theory of Law (1 year, 3 module)
Legal Methodology (1 year, 2 module)
Vvedenskiy, Anton
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; School of Arts and Humanities; Department of History: Senior Lecturer
Russian History (1 year, 1, 2 module)
Vinogradov, Daniil

Best Teacher – 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019

Tax Law (4 year, 1-4 module)
Gadzhiev, Gadis
Tenured Professor
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; School of Law: Academic Supervisor; HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; School of Law; Department of Civil Law: Professor
Best Teacher – 2015
Civil Law (General Part) (2 year, 1-4 module)
Галицкая Наталья Владимировна
Administrative Law (2 year, 3, 4 module)
Constitutional Law (2 year, 1, 2 module)
Russian Constitutional Law (1 year, 3, 4 module)
Горбатенко Яна Валерьевна
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; School of Arts and Humanities; Department of History: Doctoral Student
Russian History (1 year, 1, 2 module)
Danilova, Oksana
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; School of Arts and Humanities; Department of Foreign Languages: Tutor
Dementieva, Anisia
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; School of Law; Department of Criminal Law and Legal Process: Senior Lecturer
Procurator's Supervision (4 year, 4 module)
Criminal Procedure (3 year, 1-3 module)
Денисов Андрей Алексеевич
History of Philosophy (1 year, 4 module)
Labour Law (3 year, 1, 2 module)
Egorshina, Olga
Constitutional Law (2 year, 1, 2 module)
Russian Constitutional Law (1 year, 3, 4 module)
Emelyanova, Elena
Civil Law (General Part) (2 year, 1-4 module)
Eremin, Viktor
Arbitration Trial (4 year, 4 module)
Zakrevskii, Alexander
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; School of Law; Department of Theory and History of Law and State: Senior Lecturer

Best Teacher – 2022, 2020, 2018

Znamenskaya, Tatiana
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; School of Arts and Humanities; Department of Foreign Languages: Senior Lecturer
Золотова Олеся Александровна
Зорина Светлана Сергеевна
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; School of Law; Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law: Lecturer
Project Seminar (2 year, 1 module)
Financial Law (4 year, 1, 2 module)
Ivanov, Nikita
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; School of Law: Department Head; HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; School of Law; Department of Civil Law: Associate Professor

Best Teacher – 2023, 2022, 2021, 2018, 2016

Civil Law (Special Part) (3 year, 1-4 module)
Igumnov, Nikita
Constitutional Law (2 year, 1, 2 module)
Russian Constitutional Law (1 year, 3, 4 module)
Ilyin, Anton
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; School of Law: Dean; HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; School of Law; Department of Civil Procedural Law: Department Head, Professor

Best Teacher – 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2014

Civil Process (3 year, 1-4 module)
Кириллов Владимир Михайлович
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; Administrative and Managerial Units; Office of Degree Programmes; Отдел развития образовательных программ: Deputy Head
Safe Living Basics (1 year, 1 module)
Russian History (1 year, 1, 2 module)
Кирпичникова Екатерина Вартановна
Labour Law (3 year, 1, 2 module)
Kleymenov, Ivan M.
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; School of Law: Department Head

Best Teacher – 2015, 2014

Criminal Law (Special Part) (2 year, 3, 4 module)
Kovalevsky, Sergey M.
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; School of Law; Department of Financial Law: Associate Professor
Law of Insurance (4 year, 1, 2 module)
Кондакова Алина Сергеевна
History of Philosophy (1 year, 4 module)
Krasnov, Vasily E.
Best Teacher – 2017
Criminal Procedure (3 year, 1-3 module)
Кудилинский Михаил Николаевич
Kudinova, Natalia
School of Foreign Languages; Центр независимой экспертизы по английскому языку: Head
Independent English Exam (3 year, 3 module)
Куликова Мария Сергеевна
Comparative Law (1 year, 4 module)
Theory of the State (1 year, 1 module)
Theory of Law (1 year, 3 module)
Legal Methodology (1 year, 2 module)
Купцов Иван Андреевич
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; School of Law; Department of Criminal Law and Legal Process: Senior Lecturer
Tax Crimes (4 year, 4 module)
Criminal Law (General Part) (2 year, 1, 2 module)
Criminal Law (Special Part) (2 year, 3, 4 module)
Criminal Procedure (3 year, 1-3 module)
Lapteva, Anna
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; School of Law; Department of Financial Law: Head, Associate Professor

Best Teacher – 2015, 2014

Business Law (3 year, 3, 4 module)
Lukyanchikova, Elena
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; School of Law; Department of Financial Law: Senior Lecturer
Business Law (3 year, 3, 4 module)
Lyashenko, Olesia V.
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; Interfaculty Departments; Department of Physical Training (Saint Petersburg): Tutor
Physical Training (2 year, 1-4 module)
Physical Training (1 year, 1-4 module)
Маркова Яна Максимовна
History of Philosophy (1 year, 4 module)
Maskaeva, Irina
Best Teacher – 2018
Administrative Law (2 year, 3, 4 module)
Melnichenko, Olga
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; School of Law; Department of Civil Law: Senior Lecturer
Civil Law (Special Part) (3 year, 1-4 module)
Мерзенина Анастасия Сергеевна
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; School of Arts and Humanities; Laboratory for Critical Cultural Theory: Analyst
History of Philosophy (1 year, 4 module)
Mikirtumov, Ivan
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; School of Arts and Humanities; Department of Philosophy: Professor, Department Head; HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; School of Arts and Humanities; Laboratory for Critical Cultural Theory: Laboratory Head
Argumentation Theory (1 year, 3 module)
Morozov, Andrey N.
Criminal Law (General Part) (2 year, 1, 2 module)
Criminal Law (Special Part) (2 year, 3, 4 module)
Мурсалимов Константин Александрович
Nazarov, Alexey
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; School of Law; Department of Civil Law: Associate Professor
Private International Law (4 year, 3, 4 module)
Некачайло Дмитрий Владимирович
Tax Law (4 year, 1-4 module)
Никулина Виктория Александровна
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; School of Law; Department of Criminal Law and Legal Process: Associate Professor
Criminal Law (General Part) (2 year, 1, 2 module)
Criminal Law (Special Part) (2 year, 3, 4 module)
Novik-Kachan, Mikhail Y.
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; School of Law; Department of Civil Procedural Law: Associate Professor
Civil Process (3 year, 1-4 module)
Executory Procedure (4 year, 1 module)
Новиков Егор Евгеньевич
Criminal Law (General Part) (2 year, 1, 2 module)
Penal Law (4 year, 3, 4 module)
Osvetimskaya, Iya
Best Teacher – 2022
Theory of the State (1 year, 1 module)
Theory of Law (1 year, 3 module)
Legal Methodology (1 year, 2 module)
Gleb, Panfilov
Civil Law (General Part) (2 year, 1-4 module)
Civil Law (Special Part) (3 year, 1-4 module)
Platonova, Evgeniia
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; School of Arts and Humanities; Department of History: Doctoral Student, Senior Lecturer; HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; School of Arts and Humanities; Laboratory for Visual History: Junior Research Fellow
Russian History (1 year, 1, 2 module)
Позднякова Полина Витальевна
Ponomareva, Alina
Postylyakov, Sergey
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; School of Law; Department of Civil Procedural Law: Senior Lecturer
Civil Process (3 year, 1-4 module)
Project Seminar (2 year, 1 module)
Pochekaev, Roman Y.
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; School of Law; Department of Theory and History of Law and State: Head, Professor

Best Teacher – 2021, 2018, 2015, 2014

Rakova, Elena G.
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; School of Law; Department of Civil Law: Associate Professor

Best Teacher – 2015, 2014

Land Law (4 year, 3 module)
Inheritance Law (4 year, 1, 2 module)
Repin, Radislav
Civil Law (General Part) (2 year, 1-4 module)
Civil Law (Special Part) (3 year, 1-4 module)
Samokhina, Ekaterina
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; School of Law: Deputy Dean for International Cooperation; HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; School of Law; Department of Theory and History of Law and State: Associate Professor
Comparative Law (1 year, 4 module)
Theory of the State (1 year, 1 module)
Theory of Law (1 year, 3 module)
Legal Methodology (1 year, 2 module)
Саргсян Анна Мурадовна
Roman Private Law (2 year, 1, 2 module)
Sergeev, Alexander
Tenured Professor
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; School of Law; Department of Civil Law: Professor
Civil Law (Special Part) (3 year, 1-4 module)
Синкевич Жанна Викторовна
Labour Law (3 year, 1, 2 module)
Скрябина Мария Дмитриевна
Соколов Алексей Валентинович
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; School of Law; Department of Criminal Law and Legal Process: Lecturer
Best Teacher – 2023
Law Enforcement Agencies (1 year, 3, 4 module)
Criminal Procedural Evidence (4 year, 1 module)
Criminal Procedure (3 year, 1-3 module)
Chernysheva, Natalia
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; Saint-Petersburg School of Social Sciences; Department of Sociology: Doctoral Student; HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; Saint-Petersburg School of Social Sciences; Centre for Youth Studies: Junior Research Fellow
Best Teacher – 2023
Sociology for Lawyers (1 year, 1, 2 module)
Сумин Анатолий Викторович
Сюткин Антон Сергеевич
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; School of Arts and Humanities; Laboratory for Critical Cultural Theory: Research Fellow
History of Philosophy (1 year, 4 module)
Talanov, Vladimir
Faculty of Law; School of International Law : Associate Professor; HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; School of Law; Department of Financial Law: Senior Lecturer

Best Teacher – 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2015, 2014

Tarasov, Nikita V.
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; School of Law; Department of Theory and History of Law and State: Senior Lecturer
Терди Екатерина Сергеевна
Civil Law (General Part) (2 year, 1-4 module)
Civil Law (Special Part) (3 year, 1-4 module)
Roman Private Law (2 year, 1, 2 module)
Tereshchenko, Tatiana

Best Teacher – 2023, 2022

Civil Law (General Part) (2 year, 1-4 module)
Тискин Даниил Борисович
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; School of Arts and Humanities; Department of Philosophy: Associate Professor
Best Teacher – 2014
Argumentation Theory (1 year, 3 module)
Titov, Ilya
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; School of Law; Department of Civil Law: Senior Lecturer
Family Law (4 year, 3 module)
Толстиков Александр Владимирович
Administrative Law (2 year, 3, 4 module)
Тузов Даниил Олегович
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; School of Law; Department of Civil Law: Professor
Civil Law (General Part) (2 year, 1-4 module)
Roman Private Law (2 year, 1, 2 module)
Тутаев Илья Васильевич
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; School of Law; Department of Theory and History of Law and State: Lecturer
Ултургашев Павел Юрьевич
Public International Law (2 year, 3, 4 module)
Fedorov, Vitaly
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; School of Law; Department of Civil Procedural Law: Senior Lecturer

Best Teacher – 2018, 2015

Commercial Procedure (4 year, 4 module)
Civil Process (3 year, 1-4 module)
Хамматова Алина Валерьевна
Bankruptcy Law (4 year, 3 module)
Khvalkov, Evgeny
Best Teacher – 2017
Russian History (1 year, 1, 2 module)
Cherlanov, Artem
Constitutional Law (2 year, 1, 2 module)
Russian Constitutional Law (1 year, 3, 4 module)
Chumilkin, Sergei
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; School of Arts and Humanities: Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs; HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; School of Arts and Humanities; Department of Foreign Languages: Senior Lecturer
Шавалеев Михаил Валерьевич
Civil Law (General Part) (2 year, 1-4 module)
Shanskov, Mikhail
Physical Training (2 year, 1-4 module)
Physical Training (1 year, 1-4 module)
Шахрай Сергей Михайлович
Institute of Education; Centre for the Development of International Scientific and Educational Campuses: Director
The Art of Statecraft (4 year, 4 module)
Shushunova, Elizaveta
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; School of Law: Заместитель декана по продвижению; HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; School of Law; Department of Financial Law: Associate Professor
Best Teacher – 2023