
I Am not an Expert yet, but I Do Like Studying here

I Am not an Expert yet, but I Do Like Studying here
I am fascinated by people, their way of life, and their motivation. While you may not see me at the biggest parties or student events, the lives of my classmates are interesting to me.

Why if You Plan Coming to Russia It Is a Good Idea to Learn Russian

Why if You Plan Coming to Russia It Is a Good Idea to Learn Russian
Chen Liu shares why it is important to learn the langage of the country you plan to study.

Be Hopeful, Calm Down and Try Again

Be Hopeful, Calm Down and Try Again
As the summer of 2023 was winding up with its beauty - the sunshine that sometimes burn your skin, the white nights, scanty dormitory, green grasses, freshly warm breeze, trees with leaves, and resumption was beginning to stare at me reminding them that I am growing older, a bit older than I expected, and that I need to finish my degree and head on to the next chapter of my life. I had few concerns about certain things.

Academic Heights

Academic Heights
Komal Mehboob Talks to an HSE Student from Afghanistan - Efat Abulfazil.

Do Not Be Afraid of Pursuing Your Goal

Do Not Be Afraid of Pursuing Your Goal
Life is unpredictable. No one knows what the future holds or what difficulties we will face. From the moment we are born, we face challenges. A story of Komal Mehboob.

Becoming More — How HSE Improved Me

Becoming More — How HSE Improved Me
When I made the decision to look for a way to leave and study abroad, I did not know that I would leave so soon. 

My HSE Family

My HSE Family
For Komal Mehboob classmates at HSE University became her pillars of support, encouraging me and providing solace during her journey.

Things to Know for International Students When Coming to Russia

Things to Know for International Students When Coming to Russia
Youcef Rouag reflects on what it is important to know when one comes to Russia to study.

Everything is Possible

Everything is Possible
Thuong Cao - a Vietnamese girl in her third year, shares her challenges in HSE’s one of the most difficult majors.

HSE Ensuring and Building a Strong Foundation for a Career

HSE Ensuring and Building a Strong Foundation for a Career
A trip to the Russian Academy of Science and INION RAN's Fundamental Library, highlighting the importance of these institutions in building a strong foundation for a career. The trip provided students with opportunities for practical experience, internships, and dissertation planning.