International digest on Social entrepreneurship
The Social Entrepreneurship Digest is a quarterly collection of events and news in the field of social entrepreneurship in Russia and around the world. Additionally, in the Digest, you will find informational and explanatory materials on social business, examples of successful cases of social enterprises and ideas, as well as recommendations for literature, videos, and podcasts that could be useful for social entrepreneurs. We hope that the Digest will not only be an interesting read but also a source of inspiration for creating and developing entrepreneurial projects for the benefit of society and the planet.
№1, June 2024
In this issue:
- Opening of the Russian-Malaysian International Project in the Field of Social Entrepreneurship
- Award for the Best Case Study at the UTM International Conference "AHIBS 2024" in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- Trends in Social Entrepreneurship in Russia in 2024
№2, September 2024
In this issue:
- An Overview of Social Entrepreneurship Trends in Malaysia
- Success Story: Fugeelah, Malaysia
- History of Social Entrepreneurship Development in Russia
- Success Story: Kotocherdak (Russia)
№3, December 2024
In this issue:
- Social Entrepreneurship: a Powerful Tool for
Tackling Climate and Environmental Issues
- Sustainable Development Goals and Why Do They
Matter for Social Entrepreneurs?
- SDGs and Social Entrepreneurship in Asia
- Examples of Social Entrepreneurship within the
SDG Framework: Malaysia
- Examples of Social Entrepreneurship within the
SDG Framework: Russia
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