Research seminar at CHEMP (21 November)
On 21 November at 16:50 CHEMP’s research seminar will be held in room 346 (Kantemirovskata street). Two speakers will present the following projects:«EQ-5D in Russia: concept, application algorithm, estimation methods» by Alina Khabibullina, junior research fellow at CHEMP and «Health and Labour Force Participation in Russia» by Venera Bagranova, research intern at CHEMP
CHEMP hosted a seminar dedicated to the problem of suicide in developing countries
This Wednseday the Centre held a seminar on suicide in developing countries. Our colleague from the University of Göttingen, Viacheslav Yakubenko, gave a presentation on his paper ' Burnt by the sun. Explaining suicide in developing countries '.
VI Eastern Europe and Central Asia AIDS Conference 2018
Senior research fellow Peter Meylakhs participated in the VI Eastern Europe and Central Asia AIDS Conference 2018 as co-chair of the session "HIV-Dissidence".
About the Aleksandrova E. visit's University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG)
At 15-17th of May Junior Research Fellow Aleksandrova E. visited University Medical Center Groningen, she was in the meeting with Head of Unit Patient-Centered HTA (Health Technology Assessment) Professor Paul Krabbe.
CHEMP staff team took part in the 3d International Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey of HSE User Conference (RLMS-HSE)
CHEMP staff memebers took part in the 3d International Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey of HSE User Conference that took place in Moscow on 19th-20th May 201.
Prof. Paul Kind is presenting at the International Student Research Conference
Prof. Paul Kind is giving talk "Health Economics - Helping Us Deliver a More Effective and Efficient Healthcare Systems" at the International Student Research Conference
CHEMP is hosting a session at Think Big Week
CHEMP is hosting Symposium “The Economics and Sociology of International Health: Policy, Behaviours and Outcomes” within the framework of the International Student Research Conference
Call for papers: Symposium “The Economics and Sociology of International Health: Policy, Behaviours and Outcomes”
Senior Bachelor and Master’s degree students in Health Economics, Public Health and the Sociology of Health are invited to take part in the Symposium “The Economics and Sociology of International Health: Policy, Behaviours and Outcomes” within the framework of the International Student Research Conference.
Moscow, October 3 rd 2016: CHEMP participates in 3 rd International Conference on Health Technology Assessment
CHEMP was represented at the 3rd International Conference on Health Technology Assessment by Prof. Christopher Gerry and Yuliya Chernenko.