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Illustration for news: Guest Lecture by Professor Laure Delcour, University Sorbonne Nouvelle, for Students of MA Programme 'Comparative Politics of Eurasia'

Guest Lecture by Professor Laure Delcour, University Sorbonne Nouvelle, for Students of MA Programme 'Comparative Politics of Eurasia'

Professor Laure Delcour (University Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris, France and College of Europe, Bruges, Belgium) delivered an online guest lecture for students of the MA Programme 'Comparative Politics of Eurasia' on the topic 'Perceptions of the European Union in the South Caucasus'.

Illustration for news: Higher School of Economics Professors Exchanged Experience in Teaching Area Studies with Partners from the European Area Studies Network

Higher School of Economics Professors Exchanged Experience in Teaching Area Studies with Partners from the European Area Studies Network

Oleg Korneev, Academic Supervisor of the Programme “Comparative Politics of Eurasia”, represented Higher School of Economics is Saint Petersburg with a presentation.

Illustration for news: «In heaven there is paradise, on earth Suzhou and Hangzhou»

«In heaven there is paradise, on earth Suzhou and Hangzhou»

Daria Pochasheva, a 1st year student, tells about a summer school in China.

Illustration for news: First Programme "Comparative Politics of Eurasia" Graduates!

First Programme "Comparative Politics of Eurasia" Graduates!

17 students received their master grade diplomas on June 29