Results of HSE St Petersburg Summer School 2023
In August, the HSE University-St Petersburg Summer School came to an end. The participants attended courses in political science, Russian, and finance given by professors of HSE University-St Petersburg, got to know the city, and saw the sights as part of the cultural programme. The summer school hosted students from nine countries: China, Vietnam, South Korea, Japan, Italy, Germany, Uzbekistan and Russia.

HSE University-St Petersburg Hosts Delegation from Federal Urdu University of Arts, Science and Technology
HSE University-St Petersburg has hosted a delegation from Pakistan's Federal Urdu University of Arts, Science and Technology (FUUAST).

School Ten Thousand Kilometres Away from Home: Students from Thailand at HSE University
HSE University continues to develop its international relations with the best Asian universities. At the request of Thammasat University (Thailand), a special short-term educational programme in ‘Russian Language and Culture’ has been created at the HSE St Petersburg International Office.

‘I Have Always Dreamt about Visiting This Country’
It is no secret that academic mobility programmes are extremely popular among students of HSE University-St Petersburg. For instance, Marina Kuligina, a student of the Bachelor's programme 'Political Science and World Politics', is taking part in the mobility programme at Seoul National University (South Korea) this year. In her interview with the HSE News Service, Maria talks about her experiences and offers some inspiration to others looking for an unforgettable trip.

HSE University-St Petersburg Art and Design School and Hungarian Cultural Centre Open Joint Exhibition
On February 2, the building on Promyshlennaya Ulitsa hosted the opening of the exhibition 'From HÓDMEZŐVÁSÁRHELY to MOSONMAGYARÓVÁR: A Typographic Journey around Hungary'. The exhibition showcases lettering compositions devoted to ten Hungarian cities and created by students of the HSE University-St Petersburg Art and Design School. The opening ceremony was attended by the director of the Hungarian Cultural Centre and the science and technology attaché of the Embassy of Hungary in the Russian Federation.

How HSE University-St Petersburg Spent 2022
The year is slowly coming to an end. It is high time to remember the major achievements of the campus, its staff and students and thank each other for our joint efforts and stamina. Read on to find out about the activities of the campus over the last year. And Happy New Year! May you have enough energy and inspiration for new achievements!

'I Expect to Meet a Lot of New People During This Academic Year': First Meeting with International Students
On August 29, in the building on Kantemirovskaya street, there was the meeting with international students of Bachelor's and Master's programmes. The event welcomed 60 English- and Russian-speaking students. During the meeting, they got to know each other, explored all the corners of the building, and learnt about the peculiarities of studying at HSE University. We will tell you about how the pre-holiday event went.

Ilya Nelyubov on Studying Political Science and Double Degree Programme
Ilya Nelyubov is a 2022 graduate of the Bachelor’s programme 'Political Science and World Politics'. He shared his story beginning with the admissions to Political Science and ending with the double degree programme and the Master's programme at the University of Bologna.

The New Academic Year to Begin In-Person for Everyone
In light of the epidemiological situation, the new academic year is to begin in a face-to-face format on all HSE University campuses. Established safety measures remain in place.

How to Get Internship... Online?
HSE University – St Petersburg International Office is launching a new project on Virtual Internships together with VIRTUAL INTERNSHIPS®. We offer our students to complete a fully-featured professional internship in one of the international companies in the remote mode.