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HSE University Opens the Laboratory of Critical Theory of Culture

HSE University Opens the Laboratory of Critical Theory of Culture
The School of Arts and Humanities opened the Laboratory of Critical Theory of Culture. There, the researchers will engage in the development of new theory of culture in the fast-paced modern world. The head of the Laboratory was assigned to be Ivan Mikirtumov, Doctor of Philosophy and professor at HSE University-St Petersburg.

‘I Have Big Plans for This Year’

‘I Have Big Plans for This Year’
The HSE University-St Petersburg editorial office congratulates all its readers on the beginning of the academic year. May it bring you lots of pleasant discoveries and inspiration! To mark the occasion, we talked to students and professors of the campus about their plans for the year—in science, careers, extracurricular activities and beyond.

'City Legends': Historian Ekaterina Kalemeneva on Her Favourite Places in St Petersburg

'City Legends': Historian Ekaterina Kalemeneva on Her Favourite Places in St Petersburg
There are plenty of unexpected sides to St Petersburg: it is a city of writers, poets, architects, rock musicians and their admirers... It is multi-layered, but it always has a soul. Ekaterina Kalemeneva, Senior Lecturer at the Department of History, takes us on a textual walk around the city to find out where the biggest Beatles fan in the USSR lived, what Nabokov and Leningrad architects have in common, and where to find vinyl records.

The fifth issue of “In Your Own Words”, about memory and ego-documents, is out

The fifth issue of “In Your Own Words”, about memory and ego-documents, is out
Along with ten articles, two translations, four reviews and one interview, the issue also contains a number of sources: the Zinaida Antonenko’s diary, correspondence of Soviet young people and transcripts of conversations with the first Soviet translators of Tolkien’s novels.

'City Legends': Designer Mitya Kharshak on His Favourite Places in St Petersburg

'City Legends': Designer Mitya Kharshak on His Favourite Places in St Petersburg
'City Legends' is a new feature on our website. Here, you will find interesting stories about St Petersburg, its life, citizens and architecture. The series starts with an interview with Mitya Kharshak, Director of HSE University-St Petersburg School of Art and Design. Find out how scaffolds changed the image of the city, in what way Mitya's family is connected with the art of Leningrad-St Petersburg, the Russian Museum and how fonts on the tablets help people to capture the zeitgeist in the article.

Art and Design School Curator Collaborates with BoscoVesna

Art and Design School Curator Collaborates with BoscoVesna
Andrey Lyublinskiy, Curator at the HSE University-St Petersburg Art and Design School, designed the show of the 2023 spring-summer collection in the BoscoVesna mall on Novy Arbat in the middle of April. Design students also participated in the digital part of the show in real time, creating NFT characters and animations.

The Master's in 'Global and Regional History' Trains Specialists in History and Anthropology

The Master's in 'Global and Regional History' Trains Specialists in History and Anthropology
The Master's programme 'Global and Regional History' has two educational tracks: one historical and one anthropological. The main goal of the programme is to prepare graduates to continue their academic careers. However, students will also be able to work in more applied fields: in museums, publishing companies, exhibitions, and marketing. Find out which courses await students and why the programme rejects traditional divisions into Russian and world history in this interview with Nikolai Ssorin-Chaikov, the programme's Academic Supervisor.

Application for HSE Minors Opens on March 22

Application for HSE Minors Opens on March 22
The general list of minors is already available on the website

'Mobility Programme is a Journey with Yourself'

'Mobility Programme is a Journey with Yourself'
Now, Olga Giske is a fourth-year student of the Bachelor's programme 'History', but last year, she spent two semesters at the University of Bergen in Norway. During this time, she completed two courses in History, studied Norwegian for a while, went on a trip around Europe with friends and visited seven countries. Find out why Olga decided to participate in the mobility programme, how her student life there went and which European city she liked most of all in the interview.

HSE University-St Petersburg Art and Design School and Hungarian Cultural Centre Open Joint Exhibition

HSE University-St Petersburg Art and Design School and Hungarian Cultural Centre Open Joint Exhibition
On February 2, the building on Promyshlennaya Ulitsa hosted the opening of the exhibition 'From HÓDMEZŐVÁSÁRHELY to MOSONMAGYARÓVÁR: A Typographic Journey around Hungary'. The exhibition showcases lettering compositions devoted to ten Hungarian cities and created by students of the HSE University-St Petersburg Art and Design School. The opening ceremony was attended by the director of the Hungarian Cultural Centre and the science and technology attaché of the Embassy of Hungary in the Russian Federation.