Dear friends,
On this page, we have compiled all the latest updates related to the coronavirus outbreak for HSE community members. The page will continue to be updated as new information becomes available.
Take care of yourself and stay safe!
Vaccination for COVID-19
Contacts and Assistance
HSE St. Petersburg Coordination and Information Centre
International Student Support Office
Phone: 8 (812) 644-59-11, ext. 61748
Mobile phone: +7-981-830-15-40
Address: Room 215, 123 Kanala Griboedova Embankment, St. Petersburg
HSE St. Petersburg Medical Office
Olga Ostrovskaya, Head of the Medical Office
Phone: +7 905 280 95 10
Address: Room 115, 17 Promyshlennaya Street, Saint Petersburg
Information about the Medical Office (in Russian)
NB! If you experience any signs of infection disease (fever, cough, etc.) seek medical help at home by calling a medical professional. Please do not visit any medical centre!
Psychologist's Office
At the Psychologist’s office, students and employees can get counselling and psychological support.
Distance Learning
Office of Degree Programmes HSE – Saint-Petersburg provides organisational and methodology support for teaching and learning.
Useful Information
Memo: New Requirements for Visiting HSE Campus in St. Petersburg
The new academic year 2020/2021 to start offline. Due to the epidemiological situation, the University introduces new rules.
