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Tag "professors"

Illustration for news: HSE St Petersburg University Professor Andrey Lublinsky Entered the TOP-5 of Public Art Artists in Russia

HSE St Petersburg University Professor Andrey Lublinsky Entered the TOP-5 of Public Art Artists in Russia

A recipient of numerous professional awards, designer, artist, and project curator, Andrei Lublinsky has been placed among the most prominent public art artists in Russia, according to AD Magazine. Professor Lyublinsky is also a lecturer in the Division of Design and Contemporary Art at HSE University in Saint Petersburg. In this interview, he will reveal some secrets of the profession and get under the hood of the public art business.

Illustration for news: HSE University — St. Petersburg Partially Resumes Offline Classes Starting from March 29

HSE University — St. Petersburg Partially Resumes Offline Classes Starting from March 29

HSEUniversity — St. Petersburg resumes offline classes and switches over to blended format from March 29, 2021. Sergey M. Kadochnikov, the Director of HSE University — St. Petersburg, has signed the directive.

Illustration for news: III Kotchoubey Readings: a New Format of Digital Interaction

III Kotchoubey Readings: a New Format of Digital Interaction

On October 9, III International Kotchoubey Readings came to a close. This year the event was held in an online format for the first time ever. Let us review what subjects were discussed by the experts during the conferences, and what results students achieved in the project ‘Digital solutions for private collectors’

Illustration for news: HSE Scholars to Participate in Creating a New Platform for Russian National Corpus

HSE Scholars to Participate in Creating a New Platform for Russian National Corpus

The Russian Ministry of Education and Science has announced the results of a grant competition for big research projects. One of the winners is a project with HSE University participation: the creation of a next generation computational linguistic platform to digitally record the Russian language.