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Доцент Смирнова Наталья Викторовна

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Заместитель руководителя департамента Урсул Наталья Валерьевна
Специалист по учебно-методической работе Молчанова Татьяна Васильевна


Специалист по учебно-методической работе Пономарева Алина Дмитриевна


Тямчик Азалия Александровна
Специалист по учебно-методической работе Тямчик Азалия Александровна



Морозова В. С., Дондоков Д. Д., Якунина Т. В.

Вестник Забайкальского государственного университета. 2024. Т. 30. № 2. С. 141-152.

Глава в книге
Description of the Chemical Content and Properties of Convective Drying to Apple Fruit Snacks.

Z. M. Shakiryanova, Satayev M. I., Alexeyeva N. V. et al.

In bk.: Innovations in Sustainable Agricultural Systems, Volume 1, ISAS 2024. LNNS, volume 1130. Vol. 1: Innovations in Sustainable Agricultural Systems. Cham: Springer, 2024. P. 274-279.

Defective or Expressive? Forms with Deviations in Brodsky’s Poetry

Panarina M. A.

Literary Studies. WP BRP. Высшая школа экономики, 2015. No. WP BRP 11/LS/2015 .

Current Trends in Management and LogisticsConference Programme

Venue : 3A Kantemirovskaya St., room 436

Time : 15.00 – 18.20 (12/03/2020)

Current Trends in Management and Logistics

Conference Programme

Moderators : Aref  Gazale and Nastasya Beloded 

Room 436


Conference Welcome: 

Jeff Downing, Ph.D., Programme Academic Supervisor 

Irina Y. Shchemeleva, Ph.D., Dean of School of Arts and Humanities

Thomas Wiseman, B.A. University of Notre Dame (Notre Dame, Indiana, USA), English Connection (Director of Studies)



Section 1: 1st Year Students


Sofia Gurskaya, Vlada Petushina (BMN 191)

Being eco-friendly: to save the environment or just to attract customers?

Viacheslav Kozlov, Mikhail Ivkin, Timofey Klimov (BMN 190, 191, 192)

Using Personality Typing to Analyze Team Performance

Ksenia S. Astapenko, Yulia S. Astapenko (BMN 190)

Fraud in Telecommunication: Tele2 Case

Anastasia Solovyova, Gleb Voropay, Sofia Koroleva (BMN193)

Co-working space: New Perspectives

Anastasia Lenoir, Elina Mukhametshina, Anna Zvereva (BMN190)

Modern approaches towards patterns in Chinese business



Poster Session


4th floor 

1st Year Students:

Nikita D. Korulin, BMN 191

Business Processes Automation in HRM 

Anastasia Grigoryan, Anna Pirogova, Anna Udalova, BMN 191

Digital Advertising: A Case of Microsoft and Apple

Anastasia A. Pustynnikova, Ekaterina S. Nemchenko, BMN 190

SCS Economic and Business Models

Ekaterina Reznichenko, Christina Shilova, BMN 190

The Impact of Storytelling in the Luxury Hotels Branding: A Case of Belmond Ltd

Kristina Bazymyanskaya, BMN 191

Word of Mouth Marketing As the Effective Way of Mastering Small Business: The Case of Granola

Yaroslav Morozov, BMN 190

Generational Change in the Workplace

Elizaveta Gaynulina, Kamila Kairbekova

The expansion of market coverage by means of individual internet marketing: Case of Yandex

Nguyen Phuc Quang Anh, Inura Perera, BMN 191

The Perspectives and Applications of Gamification in Business

Olesya Onishchenko, BMN 199

Building relationships within a team and staff assessment

Nikolaeva Sofia, Shlyk Polina, Mikhailova Tatiana, BMN194

Attitude to product online subscriptions as a business model: a comparative analysis of perception among Russian and foreign students

Alexandra Udovenko, Elizaveta Matveeva, Catherine Bakai, BMN191

Self-Branding via Instagram in the Russian market: Perspectives and Competitive Advantages

Leonova Ekaterina, Shturma Daria, Novikova Svetlana, BMN190

Corporate culture as the reason for changing the level of employee motivation in the work process

Manichev Gennadiy, BMN191

Innovations in online money transferring: TranferWise case

2nd Year Students:

Anastasia S. Verman, Anastasia D. Ivanova, Anna A. Frolova, BMN184

Second-Hand Shops as an Emerging Trend of  Fashion Industry in Russia

Daria A. Babikova, Olga A. Shataeva, BMN184

Conflict Resolution Strategies in International Companies

Ivan Kaydanov, MIkhail Kondratev, Alexander Utkov, BMN184

Perspectives of Sustainable Development in Russia

Timofey Bakal, Artem Myasnikov, BMN187

Study of the paradoxical phenomenon of bundle prices on the Russian market

Kirill L. Shubin, BMN187

Supplementary Position of Artificial Intelligence in Corporate Decision Making

Fedor Turchenko, Dmitriy Mischenko, BMN182

The computation of soccer players' salaries

Pavel Lebedintsev, Maria Kiseleva, Ekaterina Korolko, BMN181

Ethical Issues in Fashion Industry 

Boris Krukovsky, Dalila Ibragimova, BMN183

Video Marketing Trends: 8 Sec. Principle

Veksler Ksenia, Bekker Tatiana, Svetkina Karina, BMN183

Problems of waste disposal in Moscow and St. Petersburg

Egor Zaytsev, Ekaterina Menschikova, BMN 182

Peculiarities and Perspectives of Logistics Outsourcing. Comparison of India and Russia

Veronika Popkova, BMN183

The Peculiarities and Perspectives Sustainable Fashion

Olga Baranova, Anna Chernova, BMN183

Instagram as a platform for creativity and business: how bloggers make money

Syomochkina Victoria, Yarmagomedova Zarema, Vasilijeva Ekaterina 


Integration of Drones and Smart Glasses

4th Year Students:

Larina Kristina, Benchuk Maxim

The impact of marketing policy of a university on its brand awareness and factors that affect students’ and faculty members’ perception (HSE university case)

David Davtyan, Mikhail Bavin

Successful go-to-market strategy for new business in Russia



Section 2: 1st Year Students  



Ivan Petrov, Nikolay Vasilyev, BMN182

What are the most important factors that influence oil price?

Linara Khadimulina, Anna Petrushkina, BMN188

TBL: Doing business in the right way

Anastasia Breyterman, Arina Rudoman, BMN187

Disability issues in the RF employment

Polina Andreeva, Artyom Kiryakov, Anatoly Talanenko, BMN183

Ethics of Tax Evasion in Russia and the USA

Aleksander Bryushinin; Anton Skorobogatov 

How digitalization affects St. Petersburg labor market in the accountant field: comparison of applicants’ skills with the requirements of employers

Mariia Konstantinovna Nebotova, Daria Nikolaevna Savchenko 

Implementation of “Stories” format in apps as a new direct-marketing instrument on the e-commerce market


Discussion & Photo Session

Jury (Oral Presentations: Session 1)

Thomas Wiseman, B.A.– Chairperson ;

Tatiana Y. Grishchenko, Ph.D., Department of Management;

Elena V. Korchagina, Ph.D., Department of Management;

Evgenij A. Pushkarev, Ph.D., Department of Foreign Languages (Management);

Vladimir V. Pavlov, Ph.D., Department of Foreign Languages (Management);

Indira M. Gasanova, Ph.D., Department of Foreign Languages (Design);

Natalya A. Gataullina, Department of Foreign Languages (Economics);

Elena F. Brattseva, Department of Foreign Languages (Management).

Jury (Poster Session)

Thomas Wiseman, B.A.;

Tatiana Y. Grishchenko, Ph.D., Department of Management;

Evgeny A. Zazdravnykh, Ph.D., Department of Management;

Anna Y. Mazurkina, Department of Management;

Natalya A. Gataullina, Department of Foreign Languages (Economics);

Indira Gasanova, Ph.D., Department of Foreign Languages (Design);

Tatiana V. Mitrofanova, Department of Foreign Languages (Management);

Nailya Shaihulova, Department of Management, 4th Year Stdent

Jury (Oral Presentations: Session 2)

Elena V. Korchagina, Ph.D., Department of Management - Chairperson ;

Thomas Wiseman, B.A.;

Elena I. Kudriavtseva, Ph.D., Department of Management;

Evgenij A. Pushkarev, Ph.D., Department of Foreign Languages (Management);

Natalya A. Gataullina, Department of Foreign Languages (Economics);

Tatiana V. Mitrofanova, Department of Foreign Languages (Management);

Vladimir V. Pavlov, Ph.D., Department of Foreign Languages (Management);

Elena F. Brattseva, Department of Foreign Languages (Management).

Conference Coordinators:

Natalia V. Ursul, Ph.D., Department of Foreign Languages (nursul@hse.ru);

Irina V. Nuzha, Ph.D., Department of Foreign Languages (irina.nuzha@gmail.com)

Irina M. Solntseva, Department of Foreign Languages (isolntseva@hse.spb.ru);