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Projects in the Project Fair

To ensure effective personal and career development for students, HSE University concludes that professional training has to be combined with an understanding of the wide context of professional activity. It implies an ability to adapt to the changes and create your projects as well as skills of working in a group and effective communication.

Taking this into account, the university plans to transfer fully to project learning by 2024. It means that we have to provide our students with wide opportunities for participation in collective projects which will help to develop skills of teamwork and an ability to take initiative. At the same time, the Laboratory sets a goal to develop students of HSE University-St Petersburg and other campuses so that they can actively influence the life of the university community, and initiate and implement important projects for the university development.

With this task in view, one of the RepLab's functions is the organisation of educational projects and events for students which concentrate on their development and training for active participation in university life as well as gaining skills necessary for initiating and implementing important projects for universities.


Sustainable Development at Universities. ESG-SDG at HSE University. March 20 – July 30, 2023.

Introduction of Sustainable Development in Higher Education: Comparative Case Study of Universities. March 18 - June 30, 2023.

5GU - Sustainability for Higher Education Purposes. November 21, 2022 - January 29, 2023.

Creation of Methodology to Measure Sustainable Development in a Company. July 15 - December 15 2022.

Creating and Implementing the Strategy of Mental Well-Being of HSE Students for 2022-2024 (2022).

Research on Modern Models of University Campuses (student dormitories) (2022).

Official Report on Sustainable Development of HSE University 2021: The Third University Mission in the Framework of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, July 20-December 28, 2021.

Comparative Analysis of Reputation Management Practices in Different Universities, January 25–May 20, 2021.

Official Report on Sustainable Development of HSE University 2021: The Third University Mission in the Framework of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, July 20-December 28, 2021.

Research on Universities’ Qualities for a Good Reputation in Higher Education (2021-2022).

Design of a Methodical Manual for Volunteers of HSE University-St Petersburg (2021)

Promotion Project for an Online Programme 2021.

Analysis of Websites of Psychological Services at Russian Universities


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