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Regular version of the site


April, 17 - Leonid Limonov participated in the ХII International Academic Conference "Sustainable Development of Russian Regions: Economic Policy under the Conditions of External and Internal Shocks"

Regular Meeting of joint interdisciplinary seminar of Leontief Centre, Sociological Institute, HSE and St. Petersburg Institute of RAS

Во вторник 14 апреля 2015 г. в конференц-зале Леонтьевского центра состоялось очередное заседание совместного междисциплинарного семинара. Доклад № 33 Всемирного банка по экономике России «Новая экономическая эра?» представила Биргит Ханзль.

April, 7-10 - Leonid Limonov participated in the XVI April International academic conference "Modernization of Economy and Society" (Moscow)

Regular Meeting of joint interdisciplinary seminar of Leontief Centre, Sociological Institute, HSE and St. Petersburg Institute of RAS

В четверг 19 марта 2015 г. в конференц-зале Леонтьевского центра состоялось очередное заседание совместного междисциплинарного семинара Леонтьевского центра, СИ РАН, НИУ ВШЭ и СПб ЭМИ РАН.
С докладом на тему  «Нонконформизм духоборцев Канады: антропология и экономика» выступили Панченко Александр Александрович, доктор филологических наук, ведущий научный сотрудник Института Русской литературы РАН, профессор СПбГУ и Расков Данила Евгеньевич, кандидат экономических наук, руководитель Центра исследований экономической культуры СПбГУ, доцент СПбГУ.

Regular Meeting of Joint Interdisciplinary Seminar of Leontief Centre, Sociological Institute, HSE and St. Petersburg Institute of RAS

On January 27, 2015 the regular meeting of joint interdisciplinary seminar of Leontief Centre, Sociological Institute, HSE and St.Petersburg Institute of RAS was held in the conference hall of Leontief Centre

Regular Meeting of Joint Interdisciplinary Seminar of Leontief Centre, Sociological Institute, HSE and St. Petersburg Institute of RAS

On January 20, 2015 the regular meeting of joint interdisciplinary seminar of Leontief Centre, Sociological Institute, HSE and St.Petersburg Institute of RAS was held in the conference hall of Leontief Centre

Regular Meeting of the Joint Interdisciplinary Seminar of Leontief Centre, Sociological Institute, HSE and St. Petersburg Institute of RAS

On November 18, 2014 the regular meeting of the joint interdisciplinary seminar of Leontief Centre, Sociological Institute, HSE and St. Petersburg Institute of RAS was held in the conference hall of the Leontief Centre.

XIII All-Russia Forum ‘Strategic Planning in the Regions and Cities of Russia’

On October 27-28, 2014 the 13th All-Russia Forum ‘Strategic Planning in the Regions and Cities of Russia’ took place in Saint Petersburg. 

54th Congress of the European Regional Science Association (ERSA)

Leonid Limonov took part in the 54th Congress of the European Regional Science Association (ERSA), held in Saint Petersburg.

On July 10 Leonid Limonov Took Part in a Round Table 'Regional Strategy 2030'

On July 10 director-coordinator for research programmes Leonid Limonov  took part in the round table "Regional Strategy-2030"  at the international exhibition Innoprom-2014 (Ekaterinburg). The event was organised by the Analytical Center,  "Expert-Ural" magazine and Mediaholding "Expert" with supportfrom the Sverdlov Region Ministry for Industry and Science and the Sverdlovsk Regional Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.