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Heterogeneous Graph Attention Networks for Scheduling in Cloud Manufacturing and Logistics
In press

Fomin D., Ilya Makarov, Voronina M. et al.

IEEE Access. 2024. Vol. 12. P. 196195-196206.

Book chapter
Inventory Management Under Dependent Demand in the Conditions of Risk

Lukinskiy V., Lukinsky V., Bazhina D. et al.

In bk.: Selected Papers from the 23rd International Multidisciplinary Conference on Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication: Digital Twins - From Development to Application, RelStat-2023, October 19-21, 2023, Riga, Latvia. Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication, LNNS, volume 913. Vol. 913. Cham: Springer, 2024. P. 269-277.


RESULTS OF THE WINTER SCHOOL 2018 (Master Program "Strategic Management of Logistics")

The work of the Winter School of 2018 of the NRU HSE Saint-Petersburg has come to an end. We will tell about the main results of the meeting with the matriculants of the master's program "Strategic management of logistics"

FUNDAMENTAL RELATIONS: the Basic department “Information Technologies in Logistics” of the Saint-Petersburg Institute of Informatics and Automation of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SPIIRAS) was opened in St. Petersburg in January 2018

The Saint-Petersburg Institute of Informatics and Automation of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SPIIRAS) is one of the leading research organizations in the field of the creation and development of information technologies.

Our talented master students Ekaterina Duhnova and Svetlana Ptuhova (master program «Strategic logistics management») took participation in Rotterdam University Winter School «OPTIMIZATION IN PORTS AND SHIPPING NETWORKS», which was organized by the UNIVERSITY OF LEIDEN, DELFT UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY AND ERASMUS UNIVERSITY ROTTERDAM at18-22 December 2017.

Master students of the second year Ekaterina Duhnova and Svetlana Ptuhova (master program «Strategic logistics management») successfully passed the competition and get the invitation at November, 29th.  They told about their journey.

Master's program "Strategic management of logistics" is attended by CHAMPIONS

In December 2017, Gazprom Neft held “Tthe League of Professionals” tournament.

Anton Kolosov – the master's program "Strategic management of logistics" 2017 graduate

The second graduation of the master program "Strategic management of logistics" has taken place in June 2017. Anton Kolosov’s master's dissertation was devoted to the analysis of transport and logistics processes associated with the functioning of the international space station. In the autumn of 2017, Mr. Kolosov entered the postgraduate course at the NRU HSE Saint-Petersburg, continuing his scientific career. Currently, he manages to combine work and study. Traditional questions to our wonderful graduate.

Obligations of the NRU HSE Saint-Petersburg to SPb SUE "Passazhiravtotrans" were totally fulfilled on time in in 2017.

December 14th, 2017 NRU HSE Saint- Petersburg completed the scientific research on the topic of "Approbation and implementation of a set of models for forecasting the spare parts for the rolling stock requirements in SPb SUE "Passazhiravtotrans"on the basis of the analysis of operational reliability" and sent the results to the organization.

Honored success of graduate students in logistics at the NRU HSE – Saint-Petersburg, A. V. Strimovskaya and D.A. Zamaletdinova

Research works ofMs. Strimovskaya ("Forming a system of indicators for assessing the efficiency of transportation in supply chains", supervisor – Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, D.Sci.Tech, professor V.S. Lukinsky) and Ms. Zamaletdinova ("Improving Inventory Management Methods for Commodity Groups, characterized by unsteady demand", supervisor – D.Sci.Ec, professor A.A. Bochkarev) became another contribution to the formation of the logistics scientific school at the NRU HSE Saint-Petersburg.

Victor Kuznetsov graduated in 2016 from the Master's Program "Strategic management of Logistics"

The first graduates of the Master's program "Strategic Logistics Management" has taken place in June 2016. Victor Kuznetsov prepared and successfully defended his master's dissertation on topic "Methods for assessing the reliability of supply chains." In autumn 2016, Mr. Kuznetsov entered the graduate school of the NRU HSE Saint-Petersburg, continuing his scientific work. Currently, he manages to combine work and study. Traditional questions to our wonderful graduate.

PROFESSIONAL IDENTIFICATION: fieldwork for the 1st year bachelor students of the program "Logistics and Supply Chain Management" IN THE LOGISTICS MUSEUM November 25th, 2017

Every year educational programs of Logistics (Bachelor, Master, PhD) at the NRU HSE Saint-Petersburg are undergoing changes. In the 2017-2018 academic year the teaching staff of the "Professional orientation seminar" course of the first year of the bachelor's degree has changed: one of the thirteen classes is conducted by the leading professor or assistant professor of the Department of Logistics and Supply Chain Management. The field session of the Professional orientation seminar, held on November 25th, 2017 in the Museum of Logistics deserves a closer attention.

OBJECTS OF A SPECIAL IMPORTANCE FOR LOGISTIC INFRASTRUCTURE OF OUR COUNTRY: Field session of the Logistics students of NRU HSE Saint-Petersburg in the “Container Terminal Saint-Petersburg” CJSC and “Logistic Park “Yanino” LLC

November 22nd, 2017 40 students of the master program "Strategic Management of Logistics" and the bachelor program "Logistics and Supply Chain Management" of NRU HSE Saint-Petersburg got an opportunity to familiarize themselves with the main characteristics (infrastructure, transportation and handling equipment, work technology, etc.) “Container Terminal Saint-Petersburg CJSC and “Logistic Park “Yanino”” LLC.