Tag "students"
Simon Eslinger: Impressions from MA Thesis Fieldwork in Nur-Sultan (Kazakhstan)
Simon Eslinger, 2nd year student of the master's programme 'Comparative Politics of Eurasia', tells about his experience of fieldwork and data collection in Kazakhstan for his MA thesis
«In heaven there is paradise, on earth Suzhou and Hangzhou»
Daria Pochasheva, a 1st year student, tells about a summer school in China.
«Political Economy of Postcommunist Transformation» Course: An Extended Review
Q&A with professor Andrey N. Shcherbak
“You’re lucky if you are here!”
First year student Anna Zheltoukhova tells about her King's College London exchange experience.
How to Apply for the Advanced State Academic Scholarship
All the students who have been awarded a state academic scholarship can apply for the Increased State Academic Scholarship. Find out how.