
The Academic Supervisor of the Master's Programme “Comparative Politics of Eurasia” will take part in the implementation of the international project EUSHIFT (Jean Monnet Programme)
The Academic Supervisor of the Master's Programme 'Comparative Politics of Eurasia', Associate Professor at the Department of Political Science and International Relations, Oleg Korneev will take part in the implementation of the Jean Monnet project 'Shifts in the EU Area of Freedom, Security and Justice: Multi-Dimensional Analysis' (EUSHIFT).

Invited Talk by Professor Laure Delcour, University Sorbonne Nouvelle, at a Research Seminar, Co-organised by the MA Programme 'Comparative Politics of Eurasia'
Professor Delcour presented results of her research on the topic 'The EU and its “eastern neighbourhood”: multiple external influences, policy transfer and domestic change'.

Guest Lecture by Professor Laure Delcour, University Sorbonne Nouvelle, for Students of MA Programme 'Comparative Politics of Eurasia'
Professor Laure Delcour (University Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris, France and College of Europe, Bruges, Belgium) delivered an online guest lecture for students of the MA Programme 'Comparative Politics of Eurasia' on the topic 'Perceptions of the European Union in the South Caucasus'.

Higher School of Economics Professors Exchanged Experience in Teaching Area Studies with Partners from the European Area Studies Network
Oleg Korneev, Academic Supervisor of the Programme “Comparative Politics of Eurasia”, represented Higher School of Economics is Saint Petersburg with a presentation.
The Organizational Meeting for the 1st Year Students Is Held Online This Year!
It starts on September 1st, 3 PM Moscow Time.
Simon Eslinger: Impressions from MA Thesis Fieldwork in Nur-Sultan (Kazakhstan)
Simon Eslinger, 2nd year student of the master's programme 'Comparative Politics of Eurasia', tells about his experience of fieldwork and data collection in Kazakhstan for his MA thesis

Admission Campaign for the International Students: an Interview with Andrey Starodubtsev
Every year the popularity of the Higher School of Economics with the international applicants is growing. We have decided to talk with Andrey V. Starodubtsev, Dean of the School of Social Sciences and Area Studies at the HSE and the Academic Supervisor of the MA Program in Comparative Politics of Eurasia to learn about the peculiarities of admission to our university for international students. If you are thinking of joining us, feel free to read this article!

«In heaven there is paradise, on earth Suzhou and Hangzhou»
Daria Pochasheva, a 1st year student, tells about a summer school in China.
«Political Economy of Postcommunist Transformation» Course: An Extended Review
Q&A with professor Andrey N. Shcherbak
“You’re lucky if you are here!”
First year student Anna Zheltoukhova tells about her King's College London exchange experience.