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193171, Saint Petersburg,
55 Sedova Ulitsa, Building 2, room 310
phone (812) 560-03-32

198099, Saint Petersburg,
17 Promyshlennaya Ulitsa, room 405 А
phone (812) 300-83-49

194100, Saint Petersburg
3 Kantemirovskaya Ulitsa, room 210, 211
phone (812) 644-59-11 * 61526 (812) 644-59-11 * 61527

Irina Shchemeleva
Head of the Department Irina Shchemeleva
Deputy Head Natalia V. Smirnova
Teaching and Learning Specialist Tatiana Molchanova
Teaching and Learning Specialist Alina Ponomareva
Anastasiya Smolina
Teaching and Learning Specialist Anastasiya Smolina
Book chapter
Mentorship of Doctoral Students in a Research-Intensive University

Shchemeleva I., Smirnova N. V.

In bk.: Narratives and Practices of Mentorship in Scholarly Publication. Brunner - Routledge (US), 2024. Ch. 3.

Working paper
Defective or Expressive? Forms with Deviations in Brodsky’s Poetry

Panarina M. A.

Literary Studies. WP BRP. Высшая школа экономики, 2015. No. WP BRP 11/LS/2015 .


Astaikina, Tatiana

Senior Lecturer

Beketova, Vasilina

Senior Lecturer

Gorina, Olga G.

Associate Professor

Larisa, Kamneva

Senior Lecturer

Molchanova, Tatiana

Teaching and Learning Specialist

Nenasheva, Nina A.

Senior Lecturer

Scientific interests:
Nuzha, Irina

Associate Professor

Scientific interests:
Peregudova, Tatyana

Teaching and Learning Specialist

Solntseva, Irina M.

Senior Lecturer

Scientific interests: