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Department Head Adrian A. Selin
Academic Supervisor Evgeniy Anisimov
Remembering the Neoliberal Turn: Economic Change and Collective Memory in Eastern Europe after 1989

Gökarıksel S., Gontarska O., Hilmar T. et al.

L.: Routledge, 2023.

The Russian Civil War after 100 Years: Within and Beyond the Historiographical Front Lines

Alexander V. Reznik.

Kritika: Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History. 2024. Vol. 25. No. 3. P. 644-658.

Book chapter
Individualism and Psychology in the Auto/Biography of Lev Trotsky, 1900–20s

Alexander V. Reznik.

In bk.: Revolutionary Biographies in the 19th and 20th Centuries: Imperial – Inter/national – Decolonial. Göttingen: V&R Unipress, 2024. P. 17-34.

Working paper
The Image of the Past in Ciro Spontone’s ‘Historia Della Transilvania’

Khvalkov E., Levin F., Кузнецова А. Д.

Working Papers of Humanities. WP. Издательский дом НИУ ВШЭ, 2021

Opening of the German Part of the Richard Stites Memorial Library

On January 25 the opening ceremony of the German part of the Richard Stites memorial library was held at the HSE St Petersburg. With the great support of Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and with the help of the Department of History Associate Professor Dietmar Wulff more than 150 new books were added to the collection of the library. In addition to the classic editions of modern historiography of Germany and the fundamental works on all historical areas, the German collection corresponds to the main research directions of the Department of History, such as the history of the empire and nationalism, technological and environmental history.

Director of the HSE in St. Petersburg S. Kadochnikov, director of DFG in Moscow Wilma Rethage, Deputy Director of HSE in St. Petersburg D. Aleksandrov, Chair of the Department of History A. Semyonov, Head of the Library E. Kosareva and Director of the Center of the Organization of Science and Academic Development N. Alyoshina took part in the opening ceremony of the Historical Library.

In her speech Wilma Rethage noted that the event had a great symbolic meaning and was a tribute to the tradition started back in 1949. At that time one of the first initiatives of Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft was exactly the spreading of the German scientific literature among libraries worldwide. Moreover, the director of the Moscow office of DFG said that this gift emphasizes the top match status of the HSE School of Social Sciences and Humanities in St. Petersburg. Wilma Rethage also expressed the hope that further cooperation within Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and the HSE St. Petersburg will continue in the administrative and other formats. In her eyes the gift has a philosophical idea, forcing scientists to ponder either their own work is focused on the new scientific knowledge production, or its impact on the society. This debatable topic opens up possibilities for developing of the social sciences and humanities, not only in Russia and Germany, but all over the world.

Chair of the Department of History, Alexander Semyonov noted that the library is named after the American historian Richard Stites not only because he was the one who pioneered the comparative perspective of the gender issue in pre-revolutionary Russia and the Soviet history, but also because researchers from St. Petersburg History Department develop direction global comparative and transnational history.

The Department of History thanks the partners from DFG and looks forward to further co-operation with German universities in order to expand the collection of the Memorial Library.

The catalogue of the German part of the R. Stites' Memorial Library: