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Department Head Adrian A. Selin
Academic Supervisor Evgeniy Anisimov
Remembering the Neoliberal Turn: Economic Change and Collective Memory in Eastern Europe after 1989

Gökarıksel S., Gontarska O., Hilmar T. et al.

L.: Routledge, 2023.

The Russian Civil War after 100 Years: Within and Beyond the Historiographical Front Lines

Alexander V. Reznik.

Kritika: Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History. 2024. Vol. 25. No. 3. P. 644-658.

Book chapter
Individualism and Psychology in the Auto/Biography of Lev Trotsky, 1900–20s

Alexander V. Reznik.

In bk.: Revolutionary Biographies in the 19th and 20th Centuries: Imperial – Inter/national – Decolonial. Göttingen: V&R Unipress, 2024. P. 17-34.

Working paper
The Image of the Past in Ciro Spontone’s ‘Historia Della Transilvania’

Khvalkov E., Levin F., Кузнецова А. Д.

Working Papers of Humanities. WP. Издательский дом НИУ ВШЭ, 2021

Elena Kochetkova, junior research fellow of the Center for Historical Research, received an award for her article «What and Whom Can Technology Transfer Change? Western Technologies in Soviet Forestry, 1953 – 1964».

Submissions for award were invited by the Research Center for Policy Analysis and Studies of Technologies (Past-Center) based in Tomsk State University.  The call attracted 29 participants doing research into the field of science and technology studies. Among other topics, papers presented studies into the role of experts and expert knowledge, urban technologies, and innovations in medicine.

Paper by Elena Kochetkova titled «What and Whom Can Technology Transfer Change? Western Technologies in Soviet Forestry, 1953 – 1964»  is devoted to technology transfer from Western countries to the Soviet forestry industry in Khrushchev`s period. The article investigates various forms of transfer and seeks to study influences transfer had on the recipients. The research is based on current results of dissertation project “Soviet Forestry Industry in 1953-1964: Modernization and Technology Transfer” connected to Elena`s work in the project “Historical Problems of Technological Modernization in Russia (Center for Historical Research).

Elena also presented some results of her research at the first spring school “Science, Environment, Infrastructure, and Technology” held by the Institute of East and Southeast European history of the University of Munich, 23-27 April 2014. The School was devoted to various issues of science and technology history and comprised seminars and lectures given by prominent scholars.