Project materials
In the course of the project implementation a number of events are planned to take place, which will be aimed at achieving the project goal and establishing an active interaction between Russian and Scandinavian stakeholders.Here you can find materials related to the project.
The main events of the project:
1. Conference in Saint Petersburg on December, 9, 2015
Conference program 9.12.2015 (PDF, 236 Кб)
Michael Matz (PDF, 213 Кб)
Christopher J Gerry (PDF, 1.31 Мб)
Johanna Reiman (PDF, 2.20 Мб)
Tores Theorell (PDF, 1.66 Мб)
Belova eng ver (PDF, 2.34 Мб)
Stolyarov eng ver (PDF, 3.22 Мб)
Ustinova eng ver (PDF, 4.42 Мб)
Borovskaya eng ver (PDF, 764 Кб)
Fokina eng ver (PDF, 3.68 Мб)
Korshakova eng ver (PDF, 5.64 Мб)
Shcheveleva eng ver (PDF, 9.50 Мб)
Shcheveleva (text) (DOT, 44 Кб)
Kudrina eng ver (PDF, 5.22 Мб)
Kudrina eng ver (PDF, 5.22 Мб)
This link will lead you to the video presented by Zoya Popova at the presentation showing activities held by charity fund for people with autism "Way out in St.-Petersburg".
2. Study trip to Scandinavian countries (April, 2016):
Study trip 21-27 April 2016 (PDF, 289 Кб)
Speakers and experts presentations
- Turku, Finland
Culturepath Leena Hiltunen Turku (PDF, 2.10 Mb)
Central Park for Culture Heini Parkkunen (PDF, 1.71 Mb)
- Stockholm, Sweden
Introduction CSS eng ver (PDF, 864 Kb)
Center for Culture and Health Ola Sigurdsson (PDF, 837 Kb)
Eva Bojner Horwitz eng ver (PDF, 4.69 Mb)
Kjerstin Stigmar eng ver (PDF, 726 Kb)
Ursula Flatters eng ver (PDF, 778 Kb)
3. Participation in the conference in one of Nordic countries
Conference «Nordic Welfare States and Public Health – А Need for Transformative Change?», Helsinki 16-17 of November
Conference program Nordic Welfare States and Public Health (PDF, 712 Kb)
4. Research project of National Research University Higher School of Economics
5. Brochure "Culture for Health"
Culture for Health ENG (PDF, 19.61 Mb)
6. Final Conference in Saint Petersburg
Culture and Health. Challenges and Perspectives (PDF, 205 Kb)
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