The Culture for Health project is part of a cooperation programme between north-western Russia and Scandinavian countries aimed at developing health care through the integration of cultural events in the healthcare system. The project seeks to create a qualified interdisciplinary platform for collaboration between interested parties in Nordic and Russian regions. The project will offer opportunities to exchange knowledge, take part in network events, and develop ideas and tools to promote the role of culture in improving people’s health. Culture for Health be a joint effort involving government bodies and other interested parties.

The final conference of the project took place
On the 8th of December 2016 in the City center for Medical Prevention (Italianskaya street, 25) the international conference "Culture and Health. Challenges and Prospects" took place. The second day was devoted to study visits.
On December, 8-9 the final conference of the project ‘Culture and Health. Challenges and Prospects’ will take place
Saint Petersburg Municipal Centre of Medical Prevention at the address Italianskaya street 25 will host the final conference of the international project ‘Culture for Health’.

Russian experts get acquainted with the Nordic experience in culture and healthcare sectors
On the 16-17th of November 2016 experts from St. Petersburg took part in the international conference «Nordic Welfare States and Public Health – А Need for Transformative Change?», held in Helsinki.

The group of specialists from the North-Western district took part in the ‘Culture for Health’ project study tour
From the 21st to 27th of April in the framework of Nordic Council of Ministers ‘Culture for Health’ project study trip specialists from Saint Petersburg visited Turku (Finland) and Stockholm (Sweden).

The information in ‘Project Materials’ section has been updated
Information presented at the conference ‘Culture. Health. Quality of Life’ has been added to ‘Project Materials’ section. The conference was held in the framework of the IV Saint Petersburg International Cultural Forum and became the first event included into ‘Culture for Health’ project.
The program of the study trip to Nordic countries has been approved
The program of the study trip to Scandinavian countries that will take place in the second half of April is published in the ‘Project Materials’section.

In the framework of the IV Saint Petersburg International Cultural Forum the conference ‘Culture. Health. Quality of Life’ was held
On December, 9 culture and healthcare specialists gathered together at Ambassador Hotel to develop a cooperation platform, as a part of public well-being.This conference became the first event of the international ‘Culture for Health’ project. The project aims at promoting culture’s role in healthy lifestyle and also engaging cultural institutions and organizations in rehabilitation and socialization programs together with healthcare institutions. The conference is coordinated with cooperation programs of the Northern Dimension Partnership in Culture.