Tag "Officially"

The New Academic Year at HSE University – St. Petersburg
The HSE St. Petersburg administration has issued an order ‘On the specifics of organizing the educational process with the participation of students and postgraduates of HSE University – St. Petersburg in the 2021–2022 academic year’. The order outlines measures to protect students from COVID-19 for the 2021/2022 academic year.

11 Questions about Distance Learning
On April 6, the 4th module started at HSE University - Saint Petersburg. Study process switches to distant form. How will it be organized? What do I do with the Physical Education classes? How will I defend my thesis? Natalia Chicherina, Professor and Deputy Director, answers the questions about distance learning.

International Council Recognizes HSE as Leader in Project 5-100
The Higher School of Economics was recognized as a leader among Project 5-100 universities following a recent session held by the Council on Competitiveness Enhancement of Leading Russian Universities among Global Research and Education Centers. The session took place in Yekaterinburg on October 27-28 and was chaired by Olga Golodets, Deputy Prime Minister of Russia.

HSE Success in Research Performance Rankings in 8 Subject Areas
HSE has been ranked one of the top 15 universities by research performance in 8 subject areas, compiled by the Expert Analytical Centre in 2016. HSE took the first place in three subjects: Economics, Social Sciences and Humanities.