Principles That Shape Your Life

Life-hacking guide by Azeem Ullah.

Principles That Shape Your Life

How can I make changes in my life? If you ask this, be aware that change is the sole thing that is constant in life. The more we fight against it, the harder life gets. Ask yourself how you can alter your life to accommodate the changes taking place all around you, rather than avoiding them.

Change is everywhere we look, and it is the thing that has the greatest impact on our lives. It will find you, confront you, and compel you to reevaluate how you live your life, so there is no avoiding it.

Our lives can change as a result of a crisis, a decision, or a chance. Every event forces us to make a decision. Do we take the easy way out?

Unexpected incidents in life are unavoidable. We are in charge of how we decide to react to them. Our ability to make good decisions is what allows us to bring about change in our lives.

We have more opportunities to improve our lives when we exercise our power of choice. Our lives grow more fulfilling and happier the more opportunities we generate for change.

There are particular actions you can take to alter your life.

​​​​​​​Track your behavior for at least one week

The secret to mastering your time is quite straightforward. To better understand routine tasks and routines, you must keep track of your everyday actions. So, you'll be aware of the adjustments you need to make to your actions to gain more hours. If you often feel like you don’t have enough time for all your daily tasks, consider keeping track of what you do during work hours. We compiled a list of the major benefits of tracking activities:

  • You’ll gain control of your time,
  • you’ll be more realistic and organized,
  • you’ll make better time estimates,
  • you’ll be more accountable and productive.
  • you’ll learn how to single-task instead of multitask.

You alone are responsible for your situation

Your self-confidence grows as you become more aware of your ability to direct your own life. Diet? Do you require instructions on what, when, and how to eat? You don't. We are all familiar with good and bad foods. We are all aware that gaining weight results from eating too much and exercising insufficiently.

Most of the time, eliminating a source of stress or unhappiness necessitates making difficult, even terrifying decisions. For some reason, if we pay someone to provide us with the solution, we feel justified in making those difficult choices because, if something goes wrong, we feel we can put the responsibility on someone else. It is our "get out" provision.

The key to success is this: are you learning each day?

The adage "the brain is like a muscle" may have caught your attention. You must exercise your brain by learning new things, much like other muscles. Yes, a wealth of data demonstrates how learning fosters the development of neuronal connections and prevents disorders. There is a part of the brain known as the SN/VTA, as Belle Beth Cooper discusses in her piece on "Why New Things Make Us Feel So Good."

The learning and memory centers of the brain are connected to the SN/VTA region, which is also known as the "novelty center" because it becomes active in response to novel stimuli. Dopamine, one of the hormones that drive us towards rewards, rushes through you. 

What occurs is as follows:

You have a new experience. Your brain's "novelty center" is triggered. You have a dopamine rush. You are motivated to stick with the new thing via dopamine. As soon as the task is completed, you experience another dopamine spike. But learning new things has many more benefits than just boosting brain power. In actuality, studying makes us happier.

Write down your most important goals

You have the best chance of achieving your goals if you can articulate them in writing. By putting your goals in writing, you may more clearly define what you want to accomplish and use that clarity to direct your everyday actions this way. Goals that are written down have more impact than those that are held in memory only. 

But the first step to achieving your goals is to write them down. It takes guts, dedication, and a desire to achieve your goals. You will make daily progress towards your goals if you take the time to write them down in the morning and revisit them at night. You are compelled to clarify your objectives by writing them down. Setting objectives in writing inspires you and aid you in achieving them.

If you aren’t better, work harder

Self-motivation is challenging. In truth, trying to maintain your motivation throughout a work, a project, or even a career might occasionally feel like pulling yourself out of a swamp by your hair. I frequently compare it to one of the exploits of the fictitious German hero Baron Munchausen. No amount of coffee or motivational signs can make us like constant work; it seems to be an inherent aversion.

But one of the key characteristics that set high-achieving professionals apart from everyone else is effective self-motivation.

Consistency is the ultimate key to success

The phrase "consistency is crucial" is frequently heard at marketing events, in professional settings, and even when parents give their kids advice! What does the key open? The next question is that. The definition of consistency in the dictionary refers to maintaining a consistent behavior.

The secret to success in any subject is constancy, and it can be applied to any endeavor. Consistency, however, is not a switchable quality. A lot of individuals have trouble understanding the idea of consistency. Have you ever pondered the reasons behind it? This is due to the idea's initially deceptively straightforward and appealing appearance. However, putting it into practice in your regular life is a test of your patience.

Consider your objectives as the destination and your diverse behaviors as the means of transportation. You can achieve your goal using a variety of potential vehicles, but the trick is to choose the ones that are best suited for you. Although successful people are obstinate in pursuing their goals, they are also aware that there will be detours and unexpected side roads to discover along the way.

Text by

Azeem Ullah