How To Successfully Apply For A Master's Degree

Let’s try to make your life easier by providing some basic steps of what to do if you decide to continue your journey in the master’s program at home or abroad.

How To Successfully Apply For A Master's Degree

When students reach their 3rd and especially 4th year, they are starting to think what they should do next. There are plenty of options: one can continue their chosen specialty in the master’s program, switch the profession and try something new in the master’s program, apply for the master’s degree abroad or start to work. This transition to the new stage of life can cause stress and anxiety but take a deep breath – everything will be just fine.

However, let’s try to make your life easier by providing some basic steps of what to do if you decide to continue your study journey in the master’s program both home or abroad.

Applying for the master’s degree in Russia

  • Step  1: 

    Choose top 3-5 universities where you want to study. Make a choice according to the suitable and interesting program/specialty that is appealing to you. Read as much as possible information about the university and the chosen program there and do not be shy to contact permanent students of this program and ask for their true opinion about the courses (you can find them through the groups in Vk). Another option how to choose a university for your master’s degree is to check the best universities in the special ratings like QS, THE, Forbes, RAEX. The best option is to check ratings not only for a university itself but to find ratings of a program of your interest, for instance, the best master’s program in IT, marketing, international law, etc.

  • Step  2: 

    Write down in your calendar/planner dates of “open doors” for future master’s students and participate in these events. During the open doors events you can meet the faculty/program staff and ask them questions about admission, besides during these meetings professors and dean usually tell some tips and insides of how to make a good impression with your portfolio, interview or how to prepare for enrollment exams. These events are really useful for graduates so do not miss one.

  • Step  3: 

    Search for the admission requirements and start to prepare. There are usually two ways of enrollment: portfolio or exam and in rare cases both portfolio and exam. Read carefully what is needed for the competent portfolio and start prepare in advance all the documents. If you need to pass exam, search for quiz questions and read all recommended literature.

  • Step  4: 

    Great portfolio is a key for getting a budget place. What should be included in portfolio? Firstly, check out requirements for the portfolio for each program in each chosen university, they can differ hugely. Some universities ask for the English certificates (IELTS, TOEFL) and give many scores for them, so you should prepare and pass this exam in advance. For another universities it is important that graduates have experience in research conferences and have publications in research magazines. However, all universities require motivation letter, CV and recommendations from your previous professors and recommendations from work or internships.

  • Step  5: 

    How to write a great motivation letter? First of all, the motivation letter should be highly personalized and show all your desire to be a part of a specific program in the chosen university. You should not be shy or modest in the letter, you should show all your best sides, tell a personal background and prove what they need you as you need them to become a competent professional in a field. The motivation letter plays a decisive role in determining whether you will be accepted or not. Write based on university and program specifics! While you are constructing your motivational letter be careful to prioritize interests that correlate with the programs provided by the university. Think of how you will benefit from the programs you are going after and why you are motivated to attend those courses. Usually, universities have very clear and informative requirements on their websites, as well as what qualities and qualifications in candidates they are looking forward to. Besides, it’s great to show that you know some profound professors from the faculty that you wish to meet and be his/her student or show some references to the core values and beliefs of the university and claim that you share the same principals and provide some example of this in your real life.

  • Step  6: 

    Collect all your diplomas, certificates and letter of appreciation for the 4 years in bachelor’s program. Write down and attach to the CV all your volunteering works, participation in events, hackathons, case championships, etc. It is very important to show that you are an active student with diverse interests and that you are successful not only in studies but in extra curricular activities too. Even if you organize some small event in the campus, tell about it because it will show the commission your leaderships skills that is always crucial for them. 

  • Step  7: 

    Deadlines! Write down all important dates of admission to each university and be prepare to submit the documents. Good luck!

Applying for the master’s degree abroad

The main difference with the admission into a foreign university is rooted in the fact that deadlines are much earlier than in Russia and usually you have to send all the documents in December – February. Consequently, you should be prepared much earlier: successfully passed a language exam, international exams like GMAT, GRE or other if it is necessary, have motivation letter, CV and recommendations.

  • Step  1: 

    Learn in summer after your 3rd year or in early autumn of 4th year what should be included in your application and start to prepare. Most of universities abroad require certificates of international exams in language and for business, finance, marketing, analytical programs also require such exams like GRE or GMAT. Besides, some specialties and programs in science can have their own internal exam that you should successfully pass on high scores.

  • Step  2: 

    Check and read the academic requirements carefully to figure out the probability of being accepted by the university. If you don’t have a clear idea about the requirements, you can contact the department of international students or an adviser from the university. Most of the time, these details will be available on the programmes web page, you just have to look them up and check if they are up-to-date.

  • Step  3: 

    All necessary documents like transcripts of your marks, diploma, statement of accounts have to be translated into the official language of the respective country and legally authenticated by a competent authority that does apostilles.

  • Step  4: 

    Online applying process can be tricky so be careful and make sure that you know where and how to submit your application. If you have some problems and uncertainties, do not hesitate to ask the international student office, they will help you. Usually, you can apply through the website of the university directly and submit all the required documents or send them by post. In some countries, you can apply through a specific online platform that is easier to use and also gives you the possibility to apply to more universities at once.

Finally, the main advise is not to be afraid and take a chance, work hard and be prepared in advance!

Text by
Ekaterina  Srebrodolskaya