Seven Rules Of A Successful Student
K-T-E-M-I - the ideal student strategy
K - creativity. Think outside the box!
T - thinking. It is important to analyze and evaluate your work and achievements, as well as learn from actions.
E - efficiency. Do not forget that organizing your space and time with maximum benefit is the key to success.
M - motivation. It is necessary to set goals and short-term and long-term tasks. And, if the task is set, bring it to the end.
I - initiative. Take initiative in study and more!
The best expert in the world is you
Many students fear that they will not have enough ability to study the chosen course. Some of them did not study well at school and are worried that they are bad students. Such panic thoughts can greatly complicate learning. Do not believe those who say that you are incapable of anything. Rely on your knowledge and experience and deepen it.
Find out what interests you
It is almost impossible to become successful if you do not like what you study and what you do. Not all subjects at the university are equally interesting, but among them, there are those that are very interesting to you. When you study subjects that do not interest you much - set goals for yourself and enjoy the result of the work done. I f you learn something you like a lot – do it with great pleasure.
Learn actively
Studying is very beneficial when you are active and personally interested. Even the smallest task will attract you to actively participate in the study of the material. Universities usually expect some preparation from you. And, of course, you as a student are expected to be serious about your studies. You can act responsibly only if you feel confident, if you are ready to study at the level you have chosen. Make sure you are ready.
No matter how it sounds, but sometimes you can and even need to postpone your studies a bit and go about your business, meet friends, go to the cinema / theater / gallery and just relax. If you always think only about study and worry about grades, this will not lead to anything good. In the end, it is important to be not only a good student, but also a comprehensively developed and sociable person.
Find your own way of learning
Although all people have much in common, each person learns in their own way. Maybe you had better memorize the material while listening to music. Do you need to retell other person the material you have learned? Use it! No matter how you prepare for the exam, the main thing is that you prepare!
Think about your future career from the first days of your studies
Learning should not be abstract. Your goal is to become a professional and get a good job. While studying at the university, try to acquire all the skills necessary for your career. But don’t worry if don’t understand what you will do at your future work. As a fourth year student, I guarantee everything will come to its place!
Text by
Yulia Kapustina