Language Opportunities at HSE

3 different but effective ways to master your favourite language at HSE

Language Opportunities at HSE


Each of us has dreamed if not to become a polyglot, then to be fluent at least in one foreign language. Knowledge of a foreign language opens all doors for you, and HSE helps you by offering a wide range of opportunities for both beginners in foreign language learning and advanced speakers who strive to master heir language skills.

Part 1. Professional Language Learning

If you are a follower of a professional and detailed approach to foreign language learning, HSE provides you with a wide selection of educational programs, which are focused on learning languages.

One Undergraduate Programme that provides students with the opportunity for professional language learning is "Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication". Students are free to choose the desired foreign languages, areas of specialization and elective linguistic courses – from business English to aspects in punctuation and grammar.

As for English, the course is compulsory for everyone, as it is the most universal and widespread way of international communication. Tutors enthusiastically prepare “freshers” and second-year students for the independent exam in English within HSE, which format is highly close to the format of IELTS. That is, students receive full academic knowledge that can be further implemented in obtaining an international certificate, already in the first years of study. Moreover, professional study of academic English can be incredibly useful for writing your research papers in the future.

In terms of choosing a second foreign language, the program’s administration approach is liberal: students are given a list of available languages, and they are allowed to take the language to their liking.

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Another progressive school, in terms of professional language opportunities, is the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs that offers three intensive Bachelor's Programs, which also focus on foreign languages along with core subjects are (not counting the two Double Degree Programs jointly with Kyung Hee University and University of London). Each of these programs consider English as a second foreign language, giving priority to other languages that should become valuable for students in their professional field. So, students are given a chance to develop their skills within the region and language that are the most interesting to the student.

Educational programs “International Affairs” and “World Economy” also provide classes in German, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese.

The School of Asian Studies, in its turn, specializes exceptionally in Eastern languages and, in addition, offers the Korean language. Thus, if you want to learn a language professionally and have a certain vision of finding yourself in the field closely connected to the knowledge of not only English, but also other languages, then you should definitely think about choosing a suitable program that will allow you to combine business with pleasure.

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Part 2. Additional Course “Vyshka+” within The Language Training Center

In addition to professional language learning oriented programs, HSE widely put into practice additional language education.

If you do not wish to deal through educational programs with a focused study of foreign languages, but do want to develop your language skills and overcome language barriers, such independent courses like “Bachelor+”, “Master+” and “PhD Student+” in the framework of the “Vyshka+” are offered to you. Students interested in English, German, French, Italian, Spanish and Chinese are invited. Each language can be learned from the level that you consider necessary for yourself. Lessons take place in the evening in HSE buildings so that it is convenient for students and does not interfere with their basic educational process. At the same time, the approach to the teaching of each language is very serious and all students taking these courses are required to take the final test in the format of an international exam. After the exam all students are issued a certificate.

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Part 3. Informal Language Learning through ESN

If you are not a follower of professionally oriented educational programs, but at the same time you are very eager to learn foreign languages for everyday communication, then you should definitely try to do it in an informal atmosphere.

Erasmus Student Network (ESN) invites its participants and anyone interested to share language experience with foreign students, creating a language tandem. You are completely free to choose your speaker friend, studying location and experience sharing format. The curators of the project will help you choosing an interlocutor according to your preferences and will do everything possible to make the new experience useful not only for gaining language skills but also new acquaintances which, who knows, can set a long-term international friendship.

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Feel free to try something new, as there is always room for improvement. Learn languages, be sociable and become the man of the world.

Text by
Daria Borovkova