Opportunities for Free movers
Who is a Free mover?
To be a Free mover means to participate in the exchange with the university, which is not HSE partner or to apply for the mobility outside the quota.
Our current partners are listed here. And below you can find the suggestions for your Free mover experience.
As a Free mover, you will need to pay for the credits at the host university and apply for the exchange by yourself.
What are the steps for the participation?
Firstly, please visit the host university’s website to know more about the application procedure. Please keep in mind the deadlines for it.
Secondly, before the application as a Free mover, your study office and academic supervisor should approve your study plan. For this, you need to make a draft with the courses and credits, which will cover your courses and credits at HSE. You should cover minimum 18 HSE credits. Then you send this draft to your study office. The study office issues the final version of your study plan.
Thirdly, follow the instructions of the host university in order to apply for it successfully.
Finally, after the application, you should let the Student Mobility Office know about your participation (outgoingspb@hse.ru) and we will give you the further instructions.
Suggestions for your Free mover experience
Harbin Institute of Technology School of Management
Tongji University School of Economics and Management
Beijing Technology and Business University
Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
Friedrich Schiller University in Jena
Georg-August-Universitat Goettingen
Frankfurt School of Finance & Management