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Глава в книге
Description of the Chemical Content and Properties of Convective Drying to Apple Fruit Snacks.

Z. M. Shakiryanova, Satayev M. I., Alexeyeva N. V. et al.

In bk.: Innovations in Sustainable Agricultural Systems, Volume 1, ISAS 2024. LNNS, volume 1130. Vol. 1: Innovations in Sustainable Agricultural Systems. Cham: Springer, 2024. P. 274-279.

Defective or Expressive? Forms with Deviations in Brodsky’s Poetry

Panarina M. A.

Literary Studies. WP BRP. Высшая школа экономики, 2015. No. WP BRP 11/LS/2015 .

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В этом материале Вы узнаете список участников совместной конференции НИУ ВШЭ - Санкт-Петербург.


Список участников

4 курс

1. Demina Natalia "Concession agreement as a legal form of public-private partnership"

2. Redkina Alina “Comparative Legal Analysis of Consumer Protection Regulation in Russia and in the European Union”

3. Tsoy Elena “Specifics on legal regulation of the taxation’s credit institutions”

4. Gerasimova Elena “The Legal Regulation of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation of the Single Monetary Policy”

5. Panochko Anastasiya “Legal Regulation of Personal Bankruptcy”

6. Andreyanova Anna “The Enforcement of Employee Right to Privacy”

7. Kucheryavaya Evgenia “Legal regulation the independent evaluation of employees qualifications”

8. Kuznetcova Anna “The Legal Nature of the Public-Private Partnership”

9. Shipina Ekaterina “The Impact of Civic Participation on Policy in the Field of Saving the Heritage” 

10. Shamiev Kirill “Political factors of military draft reform: Why nations move to professional armies (1945-2010)”

11. Perfilev Mikhail “Role of Russian Regions in Foreign Trade Activities of Russian Federation”

12. Biktashev Ainur “Estimation of the importance of business conditions generated by the regional authorities”

2 курс

1. Kovalerchik Mikhail “Right to respect for private and family life in legal practice of the European Court of Human Rights: Possibility of Restriction”

2. Eremin Mikhail “Celebrities' right to privacy in legal cases”

3. Katkova Ksenia “How the Popularity Challenges Personal Rights”

4. Shumel Vlad "A 40 years old case"

5. Zelenyansky Ilya "The Right to Respect for Private Life of Celebrity. National and International View"

6. Rudenko Yulia “Streisand effect”

7. Malysheva Ksenia “Pokémon Go game as the excuse for prosecution”

8. Plotnikova Ksenia “Celebrities in Litigation: Unequal treatment in drug cases”

9. Shnyrova Valentina “Pop star`s help and its results”

10. Novozhilova Mariia “Celebrities in Litigation: Landmark Cases in a Field of Music Copyright”