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Gendering Place and Affect: Attachment, Disruption and Belonging

Simpson A., Simpson R., Baker D. T. et al.

Bristol: Bristol University Press, 2024.

The Effect of Political Regime on the Association of Values with Subjective Well-Being

Ponarin E., Afanasyeva Y.

Journal of Happiness Studies. 2025. Vol. 26.

Book chapter
To Be a Homeless Woman in Russia: Coping Strategies and Meanings of ‘Home’ on the Street

Evgeniia Kuziner.

In bk.: Gendering Place and Affect: Attachment, Disruption and Belonging. Bristol: Bristol University Press, 2024. P. 154-166.

Working paper
Basic Human Values During the Covid-19 Pandemic: The Role of Pandemic Experience

Violetta Korsunova.

SSRN Working Paper Series. SSRN Working Paper Series. Social Science Research Network, 2024


The 7th Day of the LCSR Summer School: Unconditional Latent Curve Models

On Tuesday, Prof. Kenneth Bollen discussed unconditional latent curve models on the 6th LCSR International Summer School.

The Second Week of the 6th LCSR Summer School Has Begun

The second week of the 6th LCSR Summer School has begun in Moscow. The main course “Latent curve models: a structural equation perspective” will be given by professor Kenneth Bollen (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA).

The 5th Day of the LCSR Summer School: Missing Data

The first week of the 6th LCSR International Summer School came to an end.

Ronald Inglehart gave the lecture “Modernization and Inequality: Trump, Brexit and Populism”

On Thursday, July 28, within the framework of the 6th International LCSR Summer School Professor Ronald Inglehart gave the lecture “Modernization and Inequality: Trump, Brexit and Populism.”

Social Media & Society, London, Piccadilly and Guiness

Yuri Rykov, junior researcher at the laboratory for Internet studies, made a report at the annual International conference Social Media & Society which was held in London in July 11-13, 2016.

Web Science Summer School 2016

From June 30 to July 6 the Web Science Summer School 2016 was held at the University of Koblenz (Germany). The event was dedicated to the Internet and social media studies. Alina Bakhitova, who is studying Sociology and Social Informatics, took part and shares her impressions of the event. 

BRENTER. HSE is the Best Place for International Internships

BRENTER. HSE is the Best Place for International Internships
The Centre for Youth Studies is hosting a delegation of British students for the second year in a row.

The land of the rising sun or about science in Japan

The land of the rising sun or about science in Japan
The research workers of the LINIS presented the results of their investigation at the international conference of ICA "Communicating with Power" in Japan.

LINIS at the DIALOG-2016

LINIS research workers took part at the 22nd International Conference on Computational Linguistics and Intellectual Technologies, which was held in Moscow on June 1-4.

Any publications? Yes, please

Any publications? Yes, please
Nadezda Nartova with Francesca Stella published an article on sexuality in modern Russia