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Assessing the effects of international sanctions on Russian airports: the case of Pulkovo Airport

Rincon C. J., Lodyagin B.

Transportation Research Procedia. 2024. Vol. 81. P. 229-239.

Book chapter
Assessing the Probability of Default During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Case of Airlines
In press

Markovskaya E., Смолина Е. С.

In bk.: Systemic Financial Risk. Springer Publishing Company, 2024. Ch. 9.

Working paper
One, Two, Three: How Many Green Patents Start Bringing Financial Benefits for Small, Medium and Large Firms?

Semenova A., Семенов К. К.

Working Papers. SSRN, 2022

Tag "international faculty" – News

Master’s Programme in Finance

Master’s Programme in Finance
In the quickly changing dynamics of the world economy, having impeccable grades is no longer enough to secure a good job. A practice-based Master’s programme in Finance from The Higher School of Economics in St. Petersburg might be exactly what you need to have your career take off.

Meeting with Dr. Laura Salchiuviene

Dr. Laura Salchiuviene from Lancaster University will present her research at the faculty meeting, September, 13.