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The Department of Finance was created on the basis of the Department of Financial Markets which was founded in 1998 and is the oldest in the campus. The staff have a broad spectrum of research interests including problems of corporate finance, financial markets and institutions, risk, corporate tax planning, accounting and audits and innovation.
St. Petersburg: Publishing House of the Polytechnic University, 2023.
Rincon C. J., Boris A. Lodiagin.
Transportation Research Procedia. 2024. Vol. 81. P. 229-239.
Markovskaya E., Смолина Е. С.
In bk.: Systemic Financial Risk. Springer Publishing Company, 2024. Ch. 9.
Semenova A., Семенов К. К.
Working Papers. SSRN, 2022
On December 7, Denis Sobe-Panek, co-owner of Autostels, one of the leaders of the Russian auto parts market, gave a presentation for Master's students. Denis Maksimovich told the students of the St. Petersburg Higher School of Economics about the tools of structuring M&A deals on the example of a recent investment attraction deal in Autostels. The students learned about instruments protecting investors' rights (e.g., ratchet option, tag-along, pre-emptive right) and sellers' rights. Also, Denis Maksimovich shared a number of useful consulting frameworks and talked about his unusual career path.
We would like to thank Denis Maksimovich for the interesting lecture!