HSE University has improved its indicators of research, international outlook, and industry income in THE Young University Rankings. HSE University now ranks 57th among 475 international universities and is the only Russian university in the Top 100.
HSE University — Saint Petersburg and the University of Göttingen have signed the agreement on the double degree track for the Master's programme 'Global and Regional History'. The best programme students will study in Germany for a year and obtain two diplomas issued by both universities.
In May 2021, 25 digital teaching consultants began work at all campuses of HSE University. Their task is to help colleagues teach effectively online and make use of digital technology in their teaching. All consultants passed a selection by the Expert Committee. Below, HSE News Service tells us about the participants of the new Teach for HSE project.
HSE University — Saint Petersburg and the Free University of Berlin have signed an agreement on a new double degree track for the Master's programme 'Russian Literature in Cross-cultural and Intermedial Perspective'. The agreement will enable advanced students have to spend the second year of their studies in Germany and earn diplomas from both partner universities.
In late May, the HSE campus in St. Petersburg finalized negotiations with three foreign partner universities to launch three new double degree tracks at the Master’s level.
In 2020, HSE - St. Petersburg is launching a new master's programme in ‘Global and Regional History’, which will replace the ‘Applied and Interdisciplinary History’ Programme. The HSE University - Saint Petersburg editorial office interviewed Nikolai Ssorin-Chaikov, Programme Head and anthropologist, about the programme's a global approach to studying history and its international partnerships.
At the end of August, the Department of History of the School of Arts and Humanities of the HSE University - St. Petersburg together with the Student Scientific Society of the History programme wrapped up their Summer School, 'Turns in the Social Sciences and Humanities: from Text to Number'.
From January 3 to 20, 23 students from three American universities took part in a special winter programme held for the third time at HSE University – St Petersburg. We asked them many questions, including what they thought about Russia before coming here, what they would take back home, and one of the eternal questions – Moscow or St Petersburg?