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121 Naberezhnaya Kanala Griboedova, St. Petersburg 190069 Russia

8 (812) 644 59 11 * 61704

Georg Wilhelm Heinrich Witte
Head Georg Wilhelm Heinrich Witte
Dimitri Tokarev
Deputy Department Head Dimitri Tokarev
Musical Stimulacra: Literary Narrative and the Urge to Listen

Delazari I.

Vol. 130. NY; L.: Routledge, 2021.

Written vs generated text: “naturalness” as a textual and psycholinguistic category

Kolmogorova A. V, Margolina A. V.

Научный результат. Серия: Вопросы теоретической и прикладной лингвистики. 2024. Vol. 10. No. 2. P. 71-99.

Book chapter
Bridging Gaps in Russian Language Processing: AI and Everyday Conversations

Tatiana Sherstinova, Nikolay Mikhaylovskiy, Evgenia Kolpashchikova et al.

In bk.: Proceedings of the 35th Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT, 24-26 April 2024, Tampere, Finland. Iss. 1. FRUCT Oy, 2024. P. 253-258.

Tag "master's programmes " – News

‘I Finally Got a Chance to Learn Python’

‘I Finally Got a Chance to Learn Python’
In 2021, HSE University – St. Petersburg for the first time launched an admission campaign for the following master's programmes: ‘Data Analytics for Politics and Society, ‘Computational Biology and Bioinformatics’, and ‘Language Technologies in Business and Education’. With nearly half of the academic year being over, we decided to ask the master’s students about what impressions they have of the programmes so far.

HSE University — St. Petersburg Partially Resumes Offline Classes Starting from March 29

HSE University — St. Petersburg Partially Resumes Offline Classes Starting from March 29
HSEUniversity — St. Petersburg resumes offline classes and switches over to blended format from March 29, 2021. Sergey M. Kadochnikov, the Director of HSE University — St. Petersburg, has signed the directive.