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Academic year: 2025/2026 2024/2025 2023/2024 2022/2023 
Artamoshina, Polina S.
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management; Department of Management: Lecturer
Management Decisions (3 year, 1 module)
Artemova, Diana
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management; Department of Business Informatics and Operations Management: Associate Professor
Economics of the Firm (2 year, 4 module)
Afanasev, Vladislav
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management; Department of Finance: Lecturer
Project Seminar "Business Plan" (2 year, 3, 4 module)
Boyko, Ksenia A.
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management; Department of Management: Senior Lecturer
Project Management (2 year, 4 module)
Volkov, Vladimir
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management; Department of Economics: Associate Professor
Econometrics (3 year, 1, 2 module)
Гарипова Фарида Габдулхаевна
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management; Department of Economics: Senior Lecturer
Applied Statistics (2 year, 4 module)
Applied Statistics (2 year, 4 module)
Grinikh, Alexandra
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; St. Petersburg School of Physics, Mathematics, and Computer Science ; Department of Mathematics: Lecturer
Gusev, Vasily
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management; International Laboratory of Game Theory and Decision Making : Senior Research Fellow
Methods of Optimization (2 year, 1 module)
Zhuravleva, Tatyana
International Laboratory for Experimental and Behavioural Economics: Research Fellow
Applied Statistics (2 year, 4 module)
Applied Statistics (2 year, 4 module)
Казанский Александр Вячеславович
Theory of Finance (2 year, 3, 4 module)
Theory of Finance (2 year, 3, 4 module)
Financial analysis and modeling (3 year, 1, 2 module)
Kokovin, Sergey G.
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management; Department of Economics: Head, Professor; HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; Center for Market Studies and Spatial Economics: Director, Leading Research Fellow
Game Theory (2 year, 2, 3 module)
Коновалов Александр Викторович
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; Center for Market Studies and Spatial Economics: Research Fellow; HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management; Department of Economics: Associate Professor
Microeconomics II (2 year, 2, 3 module)
Microeconomics III (2 year, 4 module)
Krakovich, Victor
HSE Campus in Perm; International Laboratory of Intangible-driven Economy: Research Fellow, Research Assistant; HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management; Department of Finance: Associate Professor
Best Teacher – 2023
Project Seminar "Business Plan" (2 year, 3, 4 module)
Theory of Finance (2 year, 3, 4 module)
Lezina, Tatiana
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management: Deputy Dean; HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management; Department of Business Informatics and Operations Management: Associate Professor
BI systems and data visualization (3 year, 1, 2 module)
Business Intelligence Tools (3 year, 1, 2 module)
Маракуева Мария Андреевна
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; Center for Market Studies and Spatial Economics: Research Fellow; HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management; Department of Finance: Associate Professor
Theory of Finance (2 year, 3, 4 module)
Мишура Анна Владимировна
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; Center for Market Studies and Spatial Economics: Senior Research Fellow; HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management; Department of Economics: Professor
Macroeconomics II (3 year, 1, 2 module)
Nefedov, Konstantin
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management; Department of Management: Senior Lecturer
International Business (3 year, 1 module)
Оджо Колаволе Шола
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management; Department of Management: Lecturer, Doctoral Student
Organizational Behavior (2 year, 1, 3 module)
Okulova, Olga
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management; Department of Management: Lecturer
Best Teacher – 2023
International Business (3 year, 1 module)
Rozmainsky, Ivan V.
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management; Department of Economics: Associate Professor

Best Teacher – 2015, 2014

Macroeconomics II (3 year, 1, 2 module)
Rubin, Alexander
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; Center for Market Studies and Spatial Economics: Junior Research Fellow; HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management; Department of Economics: Senior Lecturer
Macroeconomics II (3 year, 1, 2 module)
Руденко Дмитрий Юрьевич
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management; Department of Economics: Associate Professor
Свиридов Олег Игоревич
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management; Department of Economics: Lecturer, Doctoral Student; HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management; International Laboratory of Game Theory and Decision Making : Research Assistant
Microeconomics III (2 year, 4 module)
Game Theory (2 year, 2, 3 module)
Game Theory (2 year, 2, 3 module)
Suzdaltsev, Alex
Faculty of Economic Sciences; Project Laboratory for Development of Intellectual Competitions in Economics: Analyst ; HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; Center for Market Studies and Spatial Economics: Research Fellow; HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management; Department of Economics: Associate Professor
Microeconomics III (2 year, 4 module)
Telekhov, Ignaty I.
Economics of the Firm (2 year, 4 module)
Economics of the Firm (2 year, 4 module)
Терещенко Дмитрий Сергеевич
Institute for Social Policy: Junior Research Fellow; HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; Center for Market Studies and Spatial Economics: Junior Research Fellow; HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management; Department of Economics: Senior Lecturer
Econometrics (3 year, 1, 2 module)
Khabibullina, Alina
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; Center for Market Studies and Spatial Economics: Junior Research Fellow; HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management; Department of Economics: Senior Lecturer
Econometrics (3 year, 1, 2 module)
Хованский Сергей Константинович
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management; Department of Finance: Associate Professor
Theory of Finance (2 year, 3, 4 module)
Theory of Finance (2 year, 3, 4 module)
Financial analysis and modeling (3 year, 1, 2 module)
Yakubenko, Slava
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; Center for Market Studies and Spatial Economics: Research Fellow; HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management; Department of Economics: Associate Professor
Econometrics (3 year, 1, 2 module)
Яскевич Елена Владимировна
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management; Department of Finance: Senior Lecturer
Financial analysis and modeling (3 year, 1, 2 module)