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Academic year: 2024/2025 2023/2024 2022/2023 2021/2022 2020/2021 
Абрамишвили Нели Руслановна
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management; Department of Business Informatics and Operations Management: Associate Professor
Financial Analysis (3 year, 1 module)
Akaeva, Kavsarat
Faculty of Computer Science; Digital Skills Development Unit: Manager
Алексеева Ольга Владимировна
Corporate Finance (3 year, 3, 4 module)
Artemova, Diana
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management; Department of Business Informatics and Operations Management: Associate Professor
Afanasev, Vladislav
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management; Department of Finance: Lecturer
Financial Markets Analysis (4 year, 1 module)
Boguslavskaya, Svetlana B.
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management; Department of Management: Senior Lecturer
Corporate Governance (4 year, 1, 2 module)
Vasilyeva, Tatiana
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management: Manager; HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management; Department of Business Informatics and Operations Management: Организационно-техническая поддержка и сопровождение ОП бакалавриата "Бизнес-информатика" и магистратуры "Бизнес- и ИТ-архитектура высокотехнологичных
Ветрова Мария Александровна
Circular economy (3 year, 1 module)
Wittmann, Egor
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management; Department of Finance: Doctoral Student
Volkov, Vladimir
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management; Department of Economics: Associate Professor
Strategic finance and risks (4 year, 1, 2 module)
Econometrics I (3 year, 1, 2 module)
Вологжанина Ангелина Александровна
Corporate Governance (4 year, 1, 2 module)
Ершов Александр Александрович
Ефимов Константин Дмитриевич
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; Center for Market Studies and Spatial Economics: Research Assistant
Time Series (3 year, 3 module)
Jilin, Vladimir A.
Best Teacher – 2014
Industrial Organization Theory (3 year, 3, 4 module)
Ichkitidze, Yuriy
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management; Department of Finance: Head, Associate Professor
Financial Markets Analysis (4 year, 1 module)
Research Seminar II (4 year, 2-4 module)
Казанский Александр Вячеславович
Corporate Finance (3 year, 3, 4 module)
Kokovin, Sergey G.
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management; Department of Economics: Head, Professor; HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; Center for Market Studies and Spatial Economics: Director, Leading Research Fellow
Project Proposal (4 year, 3 module)
Kondratev, Aleksei
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management; International Laboratory of Game Theory and Decision Making : Leading Research Fellow
Economic Mechanism Design (4 year, 1 module)
Королёва Анна Алексеевна
Krasyuk, Tatiana
Marketing (3 year, 3 module)
Kuga, Iakov T.
Research Seminar I (3 year, 2-4 module)
Research Seminar II (4 year, 2-4 module)
Kudinova, Natalia
School of Foreign Languages; Центр независимой экспертизы по английскому языку: Head
Independent English Exam (3 year, 3 module)
Kuzmina, Elena
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management; Department of Finance: Associate Professor
Lezina, Tatiana
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management; Department of Business Informatics and Operations Management: Associate Professor
Маракуева Мария Андреевна
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; Center for Market Studies and Spatial Economics: Research Fellow; HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management; Department of Finance: Associate Professor
Financial Markets Analysis (4 year, 1 module)
Research Seminar II (4 year, 2-4 module)
Маркелова Елизавета Юрьевна
Мишура Анна Владимировна
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; Center for Market Studies and Spatial Economics: Senior Research Fellow; HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management; Department of Economics: Professor
Time Series (3 year, 3 module)
Macroeconomics II (3 year, 1, 2 module)
Москалева Валерия Дмитриевна
Muravyev, Alexander
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management; Department of Economics: Associate Professor
Best Teacher – 2019
Panel Data (3 year, 4 module)
Nazarova, Varvara
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management; Department of Finance: Associate Professor

Best Teacher – 2023, 2022, 2021, 2017, 2014

Nesterov, Alexander S.
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management: Deputy Dean for Research; HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management; International Laboratory of Game Theory and Decision Making : Laboratory Head; HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management; Department of Economics: Associate Professor
Research Seminar I (3 year, 2-4 module)
Окулов Виталий Леонидович
Financial Markets Analysis (4 year, 1 module)
Panov, Mikhail
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management; Department of Economics: Associate Professor
Theory of finance-II (3 year, 3, 4 module)
Pokrovsky, Dmitry A.
Research Seminar II (4 year, 2-4 module)
Rogachev, Stanislav
Research Seminar II (4 year, 2-4 module)
Rubin, Alexander
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; Center for Market Studies and Spatial Economics: Junior Research Fellow; HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management; Department of Economics: Senior Lecturer
Macroeconomics II (3 year, 1, 2 module)
Руденко Дмитрий Юрьевич
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management; Department of Economics: Associate Professor
Saltan, Andrey
Салтыков Денис Сергеевич
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management; Department of Business Informatics and Operations Management: Visiting Lecturer
Свиридов Олег Игоревич
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management; Department of Economics: Lecturer, Doctoral Student; HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management; International Laboratory of Game Theory and Decision Making : Research Assistant
Theory of finance-II (3 year, 3, 4 module)
Stoyanova, Olga
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management; Department of Business Informatics and Operations Management: Head, Professor; Graduate School of Business; Department of Business Informatics: Professor
SQL for Data Analysis I (3 year, 2 module)
SQL for Data Analysis II (4 year, 2 module)
Suzdaltsev, Alex
Faculty of Economic Sciences; Project Laboratory for Development of Intellectual Competitions in Economics: Analyst ; HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; Center for Market Studies and Spatial Economics: Research Fellow; HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management; Department of Economics: Associate Professor
Empirical Industrial Markets (4 year, 1, 2 module)
Susin, Ivan
Research Seminar I (3 year, 2-4 module)
Research Seminar II (4 year, 2-4 module)
Telekhov, Ignaty I.
Терещенко Дмитрий Сергеевич
Institute for Social Policy: Junior Research Fellow; HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; Center for Market Studies and Spatial Economics: Junior Research Fellow; HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management; Department of Economics: Senior Lecturer
Econometrics I (3 year, 1, 2 module)
Empirical Industrial Markets (4 year, 1, 2 module)
Торпищев Тимур Ринатович
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management; Department of Economics: Senior Lecturer
Two-Sided Markets (4 year, 2 module)
Maria, Fattakhova
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management; Department of Business Informatics and Operations Management: Deputy Head, Associate Professor
Business Analysis Cases (3 year, 2 module)
Khabibullina, Alina
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; Center for Market Studies and Spatial Economics: Junior Research Fellow; HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management; Department of Economics: Senior Lecturer
Econometrics I (3 year, 1, 2 module)
Хованский Сергей Константинович
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management; Department of Finance: Associate Professor
Corporate Finance (3 year, 3, 4 module)
Kholodilin, Konstantin
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management; Department of Economics: Professor
Best Teacher – 2019
Housing Economics (3 year, 2 module)
Churakova, Iya
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management; Department of Finance: Associate Professor
Performance Management (4 year, 2 module)
Management Accounting (3 year, 2 module)
Yakubenko, Slava
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; Center for Market Studies and Spatial Economics: Research Fellow; HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management; Department of Economics: Associate Professor
Policy Evaluation (3 year, 2 module)
Econometrics I (3 year, 1, 2 module)
Econometrics I (3 year, 1, 2 module)
Яскевич Елена Владимировна
HSE Campus in St. Petersburg; St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management; Department of Finance: Senior Lecturer