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English Language Integrative Exam

Учебный год
Обучение ведется на английском языке
Курс обязательный
Когда читается:
1-й курс, 4 модуль


Course Syllabus


Integrative Exam is a mandatory exam for all first-year students. The Exam is aimed at evaluating micro and macro skills of academic discourse. All the exam tasks are the same for each course programme. The exam tasks include non-fiction texts and articles within the framework of specific language competencies applicable for different course programmes. This exam is an integral part of each course programme. The final grade for this course is resulting.If a student receives over 3 (three) points on a 10-point scale on SoFL Integrative Exam course (Vnutrenniy ekzamen), all of his/her previous unsatisfactory grades for English shall be replaced with the grade that he/she received for the examination: English for General Communication Purposes. Advanced Course – 1;English for General Communication Purposes. Advanced Course – 2;English for Business Purposes. Advanced Course – 1;English for Business Purposes. Advanced Course – 2;English for General Academic Purposes. Advanced Course – 1;English for General Academic Purposes. Advanced Course – 2;English for General Communication Purposes. Upper-Intermediate Course – 1;English for General Communication Purposes. Upper-Intermediate Course – 2;English for Business Purposes. Upper-Intermediate Course – 1;English for Business Purposes. Upper-Intermediate Course – 2;English for General Academic Purposes. Upper-Intermediate Course – 1;English for General Academic Purposes. Upper-Intermediate Course – 2;English for General Communication Purposes. Intermediate Course – 1;English for General Communication Purposes. Intermediate Course – 2.
Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

  • To assess the level of English-language communication competence;
  • To assess the state of the students’ lexical, grammatical, listening, reading, writing and speaking skills needed for effective communication in everyday, academic and business situations.
Expected Learning Outcomes

Expected Learning Outcomes

  • listen to English-language texts and comprehend the necessary information;
  • analyse, compare and interpret information using subject-specific vocabulary and fully formed communicative strategies;
  • speak on a wide range of topics using track-specific vocabulary
  • write essays on a wide range of topics;
  • read English-language texts and comprehend the necessary information
  • Listening: to understand recorded materials delivered in a standard language; to identify and interpret the gist and specific details of audio texts; to identify the mood and attitude of the speaker.
  • Reading: to understand the content of structured, lengthy written texts, including articles and reports; to identify and interpret the gist and specific details of written texts; to differentiate between factual information and opinion.
  • Writing: to produce clear, detailed texts on a variety of subjects related to the field of interest; synthesise and evaluate information and arguments; to paraphrase ideas in order to emphasise or explain certain points; to produce well-organised, coherent, and cohesive texts.
  • Speaking: to produce well-organised, coherent, and cohesive monologues on a variety of subjects; to develop clear arguments, expand and support opinions with relevant examples; to speak fluently, without pauses or mistakes that impede understanding.
  • Language Skills: to use a wide range of vocabulary; to use synonyms and paraphrasing in order to avoid repetition; to show a relatively high degree of grammatical control; to have a good command of simple grammatical structures and some complex grammatical structures.
Course Contents

Course Contents

  • Listening
  • Speaking
  • Writing
  • Reading
Assessment Elements

Assessment Elements

  • non-blocking Listening
    Audio file – 8-10 minutes.
  • non-blocking Speaking
    A student should speak for 3-5 minutes.
  • non-blocking Writing
    Word count – 250 words.
  • non-blocking Reading
    Word count – 3000-3500 characters.
Interim Assessment

Interim Assessment

  • 2024/2025 4th module
    0.25 * Listening + 0.25 * Reading + 0.25 * Speaking + 0.25 * Writing


Recommended Core Bibliography

  • English for Academics : Book 1 with online audio, A communication skills for tutors, lecturers and PhD students : In collaboration with the British Council, 175 p., , 2014
  • English grammar in use : a self-study reference and practice book for intermediate students: with answers, Murphy, R., 2002
  • New Language Leader : Advanced, Coursebook, 3rd impression, 184 p., Cotton, D., Falvey, D., Kent, S., Lebeau, I., Rees, G., 2015
  • New Language Leader : Intermediate, Coursebook, 2nd impression, 176 p., Cotton, D., Falvey, D., Kent, S., 2015
  • New language leader: upper intermediate : coursebook, Cotton, D., 2016

Recommended Additional Bibliography

  • Cambridge vocabulary for IELTS with answers. Self-study vocabulary practice, Cullen, P., 2012
  • English for Academic Purposes : supplementary material to "Economics" by Ch. St. J. Yates для студентов 1 курса, Барановская, Т. А., 2010


  • Ursul Natalia Valerevna
  • Smirnova Natalia Viktorovna
  • Diugaeva Irina Dmitrievna