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Project Seminar "SWOT Analysis"

Учебный год
Обучение ведется на английском языке
Курс обязательный
Когда читается:
1-й курс, 3, 4 модуль


Course Syllabus


The method of "SWOT-analysis" is one of the main tools of strategic analysis, which is widely used to determine the strategic directions for the development of companies of various forms of ownership and types of activities. Also, the "SWOT-analysis" method is applicable for the strategic analysis of individual brands, products, projects, etc. The seminar provides the necessary organizational and methodological support for the implementation of the course project.
Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

  • The aim of the project seminar "SWOT-analysis" is to introduce students to a set of tools for conducting a strategic analysis of a company's activities, to train students to apply these tools to fulfil various sets of tasks, and help them to develop teamwork skills.
Expected Learning Outcomes

Expected Learning Outcomes

  • to know the methodological foundations of primary and extended SWOT analysis and be able to apply the method as an analytical tool;
  • be able to independently select, systematize and critically analyze primary and secondary information on management practices, as well as apply scientific literature on topical issues of modern management;
  • be able to apply the tools of PESTEL-analysis, conduct Porter's five competitive forces analysis, identify a company's key success factors;
  • be able to conduct a high-quality and consistent primary and extended SWOT analysis and develop recomendations for strategic development for companies of various forms of ownership;
  • be able to organize teamwork, distribute responsibility, coordinate and control the work of team members;
  • be able to publicly present and defend project results.
Course Contents

Course Contents

  • Part 1. Introduction to the project seminar "SWOT-analysis"
  • Part 3. Analysis of the external macro-environment of the company
  • Part 4. Analysis of the external micro-environment of the company, identification of KSF
  • Part 5. SWOT analysis as a tool for strategic analysis
  • Part 6. Effective presentations
  • Final Presentation + Analysis and recommendations for completing the work and presenting it.
Assessment Elements

Assessment Elements

  • non-blocking Tests
    10 questions, 10 minutes Closed book: no talking, no cheating, no electronic devices. Multiple-choice and/or yes/no and/or and fill in the blanks and/or matching type of exam given. Undertaken during the seminars. In order to receive a mark you must be present in class. When missed can not be re-taken.
  • non-blocking Final Presentation
    The final presentation should follow the structure of the course-project and have the following structure: 1. Title slide: The title slide should include the project title, the full names of all project team members, and the full name of the project supervisor. 2. A brief description of the selected company 3. The results of the PESTEL analysis 4. Results of Porter's 5 competitive forces analysis 5. Identified Key Success Factors (KSFs) and a comparative analysis of competitors 6. Primary SWOT Analysis Matrix 7. Extended SWOT Analysis Matrix 8. Developed strategic alternatives, made suggestions, and conclusions. 9. Final slide. In order to receive a mark you must be present in class When missed for a valid reason can be taken during the re-take period. Disclaimer about plagiarism and the usage of generative models. All submitted works may be checked for plagiarism. The exact manner in which such check is conducted will be communicated separately. Instances of plagiarism will be penalized. As a general rule, papers with similarity scores above 20% will be suspect, and will be checked against inappropriate text borrowing very carefully. Presentations with similarity scores at or above 40% will automatically receive 0 points. Any subsequent violation of academic integrity will result in the F (unsatisfactory) grade for the task and a possible follow up with the appropriate university bodies. If a student or group of students uses automated content generation algorithms while completing an assignment, they must include a section titled “Description of a Generative Model Used” in their assignment. This section should encompass a description of the objectives for using the generative model, the name of the generative model, link to the website on the Internet (or a description of another source of the model), and a description of its application method. If academic misconduct occurs, as listed in the Student Internal Regulations, such as copying at written or verbal examinations, using unauthorised materials / cheat sheets at verbal examinations, collusion, duplicate submissions of a paper, plagiarism in written works, fraud in written and verbal works, and fabricating data or results, using generative models without proper attribution, a grade of 0 (unsatisfactory) will be assigned for the task and a possible follow up with the appropriate university bodies.
  • non-blocking Final Test
    40 questions, 40 minutes Closed book: no talking, no cheating, no electronic devices. Multiple-choice and/or yes/no and/or and fill in the blanks and/or matching type of exam given. Undertaken during the seminars. In order to receive a mark you must be present in class. When missed can not be re-taken.
Interim Assessment

Interim Assessment

  • 2024/2025 4th module
    0.6 * Final Presentation + 0.16 * Final Test + 0.12 * Tests + 0.12 * Tests


Recommended Core Bibliography

  • Cornelius de Kluyver, & John A. Pearce. (2015). Strategic Management : An Executive Perspective: Vol. First edition. Business Expert Press.
  • Exploring strategy : text and cases, Johnson, G., 2017
  • Johnson, G., Whittington, R., Scholes, K., Angwin, D., & Regnér, P. (2017). Exploring Strategy (Vol. Eleventh edition). Harlow, England: Pearson Education. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=1454974

Recommended Additional Bibliography

  • Contemporary strategy analysis, Grant, R.M., 2022
  • Porter, M. E. (1998). Competitive Strategy : Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors (Vol. [New ed.]). New York: Free Press. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=1964532
  • Porter, M. E., Kramer, M. R., & Magretta, J. (2014). Strategy and Competition : The Porter Collection. Harvard Business Review Press.


  • Budko Viktoriia Aleksandrovna
  • Aleinikova Irina Sergeevna
  • Nefedov Konstantin Sergeevich
  • Boguslavskaia Svetlana Borisovna