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Veto Core Consistent Preference Aggregation

Aleksei Y. Kondratev, Ianovski E.

In bk.: AAMAS '24: Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems. Auckland: International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, 2024. P. 1020-1028.

Equilibrium existence and uniqueness in additive trade models

Slepov Fedor, Kokovin S. G.

Basic research program. WP BRP. National Research University Higher School of Economics, 2023. No. 262/EC/2023.

XXXI заседание регулярного научного семинара департамента экономики

На XXXI заседании научного семинара департамента экономики Санкт-Петербургской школы экономики и менеджмента НИУ ВШЭ с докладом «Heterogeneous Consumers Matching Heterogeneous Firms in Monopolistic Competition» (совместно с Сергеем Коковиным и Александром Тарасовым) выступит Шамиль Шарапудинов  (студент магистерской ОП Прикладная экономика и математические методы). Семинар состоится 27 марта в 16:50 по адресу: Кантемировская улица, д.3, корп. 1, лит. А, ауд. 345. Ждем всех заинтересовавшихся преподавателей, исследователей, студентов.

Our novel approach to modeling monopolistic competition with heterogeneous consumers involves a space of characteristics of differentiated good (consumers' ideal points), alike Hotelling (1929). Firms have heterogeneous costs à la Melitz (2003), but choosing its price, every firm chooses also its optimal location, i.e., “niche”. We prove “perfect sorting”: the most efficient firms choose locations, where the consumer’s density is maximal, while the weaker is a firm – the farther it locates from attractive well-populated areas, to escape competition from the strong firms. Other market effects include non-monotone markups, high in the most and least populated zones; and monotone welfare, increasing in population density.